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CCCA61_018,019.qxd:CCCA_V1No2_Dept-CourtLeg-V1.qxd 02/07/2008 04:49 PM Page 19 Outside Counsel counsel how and when you want to be to remind your outside counsel that the a matter or engagement. Welcome your updated on important aspects related to the speed of business is exponentially faster outside counsel.You need them and they case at hand,then they will understand how than the speed at which cases get resolved. need you. much of a priority that matter is in relation Know the parties Nathaniel Slavin is As the speed of business cre- a partner in the “ Understanding expectations ates constant change, it is crit- Wicker Park Group (www.wickerparkgroup. ical that the key players in all permeates through every matters know each other. Of com), an international aspect of the inside-outside firm dedicated to all the points mentioned in relationship. to all other matters that are ongoing. ” this column, this one may improving the communications between in- seem the most obvious. But it house counsel and the outside firms they work with. He is the former publisher of is critical to ensure trust and where he spent 15 years as publisher and team that is in place.Too often,I hear from Remind outside counsel that from a busi- understanding among members of the InsideCounsel (Corporate LegalTimes) ness perspective, a matter that when it first in-house counsel that they are surprised to editor. He is also the 2007 president of the materialized seemed so significant might find a particular lawyer staffing a matter. International Board of Directors of the now be a lingering annoyance. Remember You need a “team” meeting at the onset of Legal Marketing Association. PRINTEMPS 2008 CCCA Canadian Corporate Counsel Association 19