Page 21 - CCCA64_2012
P. 21
Home and auto Insurance exclusIve to legal ProfessIonals GREAT RATES! Judge for yourself. Join ThE ThouSAndS of CAnAdiAn LEGAL PRofESSionALS who ARE SPEndinG LESS on ThEiR homE And AuTo inSuRAnCE! call or clIcK for a Quote 1-877-314-6274 Certain conditions apply. CBIA Sponsored Home & Auto Insurance is underwritten by The Personal General Insurance Inc. in Quebec and by The Personal Insurance Company in all other provinces and territories. Certain products and services may not be available in all provinces and territories. CBIA Insurance Services is a division of 3303128 Canada Inc., a licensed insurance broker. Auto insurance not available in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or British Columbia due to government-run plans. The clauses and terms pertaining to the described coverage are detailed in the insurance policy. Certain restrictions and exclusions are included therein. CBIA_Ad_7.875x10.75_Bleed_0.125_CMYK-2012.indd 1 11/27/12 3:32 PM
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