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CCCA_V7No2_Dept-ProjectMgmt4-FIN_CCCA_V6No4 13-05-16 3:16 PM Page 14 Legal Project Management template wasn’t available as a result of a mas- signed up. Or speak with a participant to number of term sheets being entered into sive, unexpected effort on the part of legal figure out how to get the remaining peo- and what legal can do to support it. For and business development to acquire much- ple into the training sessions. Figure out example, perhaps legal could generate coveted assets that suddenly became avail- what works best for your audience,context standard materials to support the business able. If so, a conscious and communicated and plan. people’s sales pitch. decision in advance ofWeek 3 to revise the plan, have templates available for the end of Measure results Closing the process Week 5 and group training sessions inWeek Just as you should measure progress Once you have confirmed the desired 6 would allow the overall timing of the plan against the plan, you need to measure objectives are met you are ready for the to remain intact while accommodating progress against objectives. For example, final, valuable and often-overlooked step of unexpected business opportunities that are the business people comfortable with closing the process. This is about docu- were consciously given priority. the template after training? If not, you menting and reporting the successes and need to figure out how to get them com- incorporating any learning into your orga- Hold people accountable fortable before moving to the next stage nization’s knowledge base. For example, Accountability is the trickiest part of all, of implementation. you may have discovered that group work- particularly if people involved shops (versus one-on-one train- don’t report to you. In each case ing) are the most effective way to determining why expectations Once actual implementation educate business people on legal commences it is very important aren’t being met is the first step. “ principles.This insight will prove Work with those involved to that you stick to the plan invaluable when rolling out review alternatives for getting other initiatives such as introduc- matters back on track and find and actively, regularly monitor ing document retention policies. ways to provide any necessary progress (don’t wait until The fourth step is where support, training, resources or the very end). your careful planning pays off: required revisions to the plan. ” You generate strategic out- Helping them, rather than going comes versus putting out fires, up the chain to complain or coming down After assessing each element, determine and are recognized as a trusted adviser. hard on them, will make them far more to what extent the high-level outcomes Even if your first attempt isn’t a complete willing to help and face it — you can’t are achieved. For example, was confiden- success keep at it — these universal steps implement the plan on your own and like- tiality agreement overtime for legal are easier to follow each time.If you don’t ly need their assistance. reduced? Has the volume of term sheets know where to begin, pick something For example,if you planned two training increased? If overtime is eliminated and small and get started. Feel free to let me weeks and at the end of Week 1 less than the term sheets have tripled you know the know of any successes or challenges you one-fifth of the business people have outcome has exceeded expectations and encounter along the way, I would love to signed up, you need to act fast to keep you can close the process. hear from you. things on track.One option is to go direct- If you eliminated overtime for legal yet ly to people who haven’t signed up, ask if the volume of term sheets hasn’t changed, Melissa LaFlair, Certified PMP, LL.B., Ivey they are free for a quick session and, if not, you still need to figure out what more can HBA., is a lawyer and project manager with when a good time would be. Another be done to support the business people. If more than 16 years of experience solving legal option relies on peer pressure: send an e- necessary, go back to step two and collect and business challenges.This is the last install- mail listing congratulating those who have more data, figure out what is limiting the ment of a four-part series. 14 CCCA Canadian Corporate Counsel Association SUMMER 2013
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