Page 44 - CCCA Magazine Spring 2015
P. 44
{ leadersHiP } leaders don’t need to haVe all the ansWers By Hugh Arnold Many popular stereotypes are looking for is a boss who is genuine team or organization to succeed today. and candid, who values the members of Successful leadership is about motivat- of effective leaders paint a his or her team, respects their ideas and ing people to do things they otherwise picture of a boss who has all expertise, and who is willing to listen to would not have done. To accomplish the answers and always knows inputs and suggestions before deciding on that, a leader must frst paint a picture a new direction or course of action. of a future vision the majority of people exactly what to do. A leader who comes in to a new orga- feel excited about and are willing to com- nization or a new role with the message mit to working towards. Then the leader that “I have all the answers” is sending a needs to lay out a process the team will hether it’s Dr. Greg House on powerful message to his or her team that: follow together to build a plan to accom- “House,” Jack Bauer in “24” or the ■ I’m smarter than all of you; plish that vision. Finally, the leader needs Wreal-life Donald Trump on “The ■ Even though you may have deep to get people aligned in the proper roles Apprentice,” we’re often left with the im- knowledge and expertise, I don’t need so they can each contribute in their own pression that to succeed as “the boss,” we to waste my precious time seeking out unique way to the attainment of their must always have the answer to any ques- your ideas; shared goal. tion, issue or challenge that may confront ■ I don’t need your help; and People won’t buy in to a vision that’s us or our team. In reality, one of the big- ■ All I really need from you is to put your been imposed on them. Nor will they go gest mistakes you can make as a boss is to heads down and do what I tell you. the extra mile attempting to implement a come across as if you have all of the an- That’s a message that’s virtually guar- plan for which they don’t feel any sense of swers. People today aren’t looking to their anteed to alienate and disengage, just personal ownership and that doesn’t incor- “ Efective leaders understand the diference between ‘coming in with the answer’ and leaders to have all the answers. What they the opposite of what’s needed for any porate their own knowledge and expertise. ” ‘coming in with a plan for how we’re going to fgure out the answers together.’ 44 CCCa Magazine | spring 2015 printeMps