Page 11 - CCCA 278683 Magazine_Spring 2018
P. 11
mAking Your mornings mAgiC
By Lynne Yryku
Get better at handling stress and frustration. Sleep better at
night and be more alert during the day. Be more productive and
happier overall. What is this magic bullet? exercise.
like being the accountability partner for a
friend or competing in a specifc race, to re-
fresh your focus. While we may not always
be motivated to work out, if it is important
to us, we will always come back to it.
ll you have to do is fnd 15 minutes in sleep in, don’t put it off to another day—
your day to do it. If exercise is new to fnd your 15 minutes later in the day. smarter (not harder) mornings
Ayou, I recommend you fnd it in the This advice is not about entering the Cross-
morning by getting up 15 minutes earlier, Following through on Your Commitment Fit Games. It’s about fnding an effective way
so it is harder to skip.* Then make your Need some concrete motivation? Recent to ft exercise in so you can start the day with
workout as effective as possible. studies show we can control how we age a sense of accomplishment, ready to tackle
Think big and multiple muscle groups through exercise. For instance, one from the other challenges. It’s about creating a rou-
with a bit of cardio thrown in there. University of Pittsburgh found the "typical" tine that brings out the best possible you.
Some of the most effective strength exer- loss of muscle mass and function that be- You may soon fnd yourself looking
cises you can do at home include squats, gins around age 40 has more to do with lack forward to those 15 minutes. Taking those
lunges, planks, burpees and, if you don’t of use than aging. Another from the Cana- few minutes to work out allows you to
mind using a piece of equipment, kettle- dian Centre for Activity and Aging demon- have a moment of calm, brightens your
bell swings. (Check with a professional strated that lifelong physical activity could mood with natural feel-good chemicals
for the how-to and proper form for these reduce muscle loss well into your seventies. 2 and instills a sense of purpose. What a
exercises to avoid injury.) More than just research, people com- great way to begin your day! ❚
The kettlebell is my current favourite, mitted to exercise will tell you they love the
as I fnd it challenges all the “problem” ar- challenge. They love how they feel after-
eas and is just plain fun. It is also great for ward. They value the “me” time. Whatever * If you cannot manage mornings, another time is
fne—as long as you follow through. You can even
posture, just in case you are someone who it is, the reason goes beyond vanity. break it up throughout the day: 20 squats while you
spends most of the day sitting. Even if you So set aside time to determine your own wait for your coffee to brew, 10 burpees with your
already have an exercise routine, I recom- “why,” such as reducing your resting heart kids before you go up for bedtime, 30-second planks
mend giving it a swing! rate, managing weight, relieving stress or while you watch TV, etc. Just get moving!
You can do a rotation of these exer- even something as simple as doing a set
cises (such as timed circuit training: 45 of military-style push-ups (my goal one Lynne Yryku is the Executive Editor of CCCA
seconds on, 15 seconds off) for 10 or 15 summer). Find the deeper meaning (in Magazine. She also holds a graduate certifcate
minutes, or pick a YouTube video that my push-up example, to prove to myself in workplace wellness and health promotion.
you like. The internet abounds with free my limits were self-imposed) and remind Reach her at However, she
routines for all levels. Find your best fit. yourself of it when the alarm goes off. is not a doctor, so this article is not intended to
constitute or replace medical advice. If you have
The point is to start moving. Today. If you already exercise, remember to any concerns or questions about your health, you
Don’t wait until you have the “perfect” revisit your bigger “why” periodically should always consult with a physician or other
routine or “perfect” schedule. And if you and throw in some new short-term ones, healthcare professional.