Page 35 - CCCA Magazine. Winter 2018
P. 35
{ CCCa news }
Areas to the Blacklists: Working with Reg- tion fee. Lawyers registering in groups of ■ Join an exclusive group of Canadian
ulations, Laws and the Spaces Between,” three or more will all receive a discount lawyers with the designation of CIC.C.
“Building Your Community: Communi- of $100 on their registration fee. And any-
cation Skills for Better Engagement” and one registering on or before the early-bird What to expect?
“Managing Uncertainty: Tools to Imple- deadline of March 7 will save $100 on the This 10-month program consists of three
ment Your Innovation Idea.” You’ll also registration fee. 3-day courses taught by Rotman School
have plenty more opportunities to gather Can’t attend the whole conference? of Management faculty, combined with
and grow your community during cozy Day passes are available too! a self-paced online program. Guided
coffee breaks, while chatting with legal Register today and invest in yourself and by expert professors and executives-in-
service providers in our lively Exhibit your community. Visit residence, you will learn about organiza-
Hall and by mingling with your peers at a to learn more. tional dynamics, employment and HR,
cocktail reception on Monday afternoon. executive decision-making, fnancial
Last but not least, we’ll be honouring management, governance, leadership, in-
the 2019 CCCA Award Winners during the learn today. lead tomorrow. tellectual property, mergers and acquisi-
conference. Do you know an impressive up There are now over 180 Certifed In- tions, risk management, teambuilding,
and comer? A generous community build- House Counsel – Canada (CIC.C) across and corporate communications.
er? An in-house counsel innovator? There’s the country. Your next chance to join their Grow your infuence and earning poten-
still time to nominate them! Nominations elite ranks and progress in your career be- tial! Learn more at ❚
close on January 14, 2019. Visit the Who gins in June 2019 with the launch of the
We Are About Us Awards & Recogni- next cohort of the Business Leadership
tion page at for more Program for In-House Counsel.
Why enrol?
be a part of the largest gathering of ■ Actively contribute to your organiza-
in-house counsel in Canada tion’s strategic planning and success
We want to make sure we do everything ■ Understand business fnancials and
we can to make it easier for you to at- the bottom-line impact of executive
tend this conference. That’s why lawyers decisions
in career transition, lawyers less than fve ■ Enhance your legal advice with intel-
years called to the bar, and current stu- ligent business insight
dents/alumni of the Business Leadership ■ Position yourself as a meaningful
Program for In-House Counsel all receive member of the senior team
a steep discount of $400 on their registra- ■ Gain a competitive edge over your peers