Page 11 - CCCA 292467 Magazine_Spring 2019
P. 11
Passion with
By Lynne Yryku
Long before it was cooL, Lynne Vicars was a Proud “tecH geek
at Heart.” in tHe seVenties, Her famiLy Had one of tHe first
aPPLe comPuters, and in tHe eigHties, sHe comPLeted a comPuter
science certificate. sHe feLL in LoVe witH tecHnoLogy earLy on,
and it Has remained a constant in Her Life and career since.
t is a passion that has served her well, lead- leadership, best practices and law reform
ing her to her current role as Senior Legal with respect to information management,
iCounsel, Legal Practice Management & discovery, litigation support and paperless
eDiscovery at Scotiabank. Her workday is proceedings. At this point, most of its mem-
spent collaborating with cross-functional bers are in private practice, but she sees this
teams to provide “advice and legal solutions changing over the coming years. “The frst
around electronic discovery and best prac- wave is all the law frms having in-house
tices in information governance.” eDiscovery practices. That's still happening,”
“My own mandate professionally within she says. “And then I think there will be a
the bank is to make sure we maintain best-in- natural progression toward more corporate
class technology, and robust policies and pro- legal departments doing the same.”
cedures to support the bank's eDiscovery and
information governance goals,” she explains. ● Her PatH ●
“That means keeping abreast of emerging The key is to always look for opportunities
legal technologies and incorporating them and be ready. When Lynne started at Scotia-
where we can and where we should.” bank as a teller in 1981, the processes were very
As Lynne is one of relatively few in-house manual: “I had a teller's blotter that you physi-
eDiscovery lawyers in Canada, she relies on her cally wrote your transactions on.” However,
wider network of private practice colleagues she could see the tides shifting and enrolled in
and other professionals to keep her up to date computer science at Centennial College.
on developments and best practices in eDis- Then, after nearly eight years with the
covery: “It's really by aligning myself, associat- bank, she took a break to go back to school.
ing myself with other experts in the industry, She and her then husband moved to Alberta
that I've developed my practice over the years.” and she enrolled in a combined JD/MBA
One of the groups she specifcally cites program at the University of Alberta—while
as helpful is the Ontario Bar Association’s caring for her four children, aged one, three,
(OBA’s) eDiscovery Implementation Com- fve and seven at the time.
mittee. Guided in its work by the Sedona She continued to feel a strong affnity for
Canada Principles, it promotes thought Scotiabank, so she pursued a summer posi-