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CCCA_V2No2_Dept-OutsideCounsel-FIN.qxd:CCCA_V1No2_Dept-CourtLeg-V1.qxd 5/2/08 2:30 PM Page 19 Outside Counsel Growing business model “The benefits to [our clients] are not to determine. So to have them sitting on Toronto-based firm Cognition has also only financial, but also in areas of expert- the benches is helpful for us.” been providing in-house counsel services ise,” says Stone. “They’re getting highly on contract since 2005. With 15 lawyers skilled people.” Lawyers with in-house Wave of the future? on call, the bulk of whom are in Toronto, counsel experience have a better under- Looking ahead, is bringing in outsourced the company’s focus is to provide out- standing of business needs than a lawyer at lawyers the wave of the future in terms of sourced in-house counsel to primarily a large firm would, he adds. the way in-house legal services are offered? two types of clients: small or medium-size Michael Prescott, one of Outside GC’s “I think the trend [toward outsourced clients who do not have in-house coun- first clients, agrees. Prescott is senior vice- lawyers] will keep growing for two rea- sel, or as a supplement to large corpora- president and general counsel at GTech sons,” says Cognition’s Ho. “On the tions who want to bring in resources as Corporation, a gaming technology and demand side, general counsel consistently needed, says Rubsun Ho, a founder and services company based in Providence, cite the pressure to control expenses, partner at Cognition. Rhode Island. When asked what the including their outside legal spend, as one “Our model is flexible; but whether it’s advantages of hiring Outside GC are, he of their main challenges, and outsourcing a project that requires extra help,or ongo- says.“They are business savvy,well-trained, allows them to access skilled legal counsel ing part-time work one or two days a great technical lawyers of a calibre you at reasonable rates to relieve their over- week, we try to keep the same lawyer would expect from a large city commer- burdened departments. On the supply with the same company. This allows the cial law firm,at significantly reduced fees.” side, we see more and more smart and lawyer to really understand the business, GTech first hired Outside GC to help experienced lawyers seeking out this type the company’s risk profile and the internal train junior lawyers, but has since gradu- of arrangement as an ideal way to main- processes. If things slow down, the lawyer ally increased the use of its services. tain a challenging career while addressing can step out, and then, when it heats up Prescott says he could add more lawyers that elusive work/life balance,” he says. again, they can step back in with no to his 11-member legal department, but “Throw in the fact that technology is a learning curve.” to get the level of expertise that Outside great facilitator to this type of work,” adds In the U.S.,Bill Stone of Outside GC in GC provides would be difficult. “[It] Ho, “and you’ve got a perfect storm for Boston, Massachusetts, started his contract would cost us more money than the com- more corporations engaging the services in-house counsel firm in 2002. Outside pany would be willing to pay,” he says, of outsourced in-house counsel.” GC now has 15 lawyers, each with exten- adding, “Whether there’s sufficient work sive experience as corporate counsel. to hire one or two more people is difficult Alison Arnot is a writer based in Ottawa. 10343-STG-CCCA3 3/28/07 9:17 AM Page 1 [ Across the street, down the block or Canada wide — our commercial team is ready for you. ] For over 100 years, legal professionals have trusted Stewart Title to provide title insurance for their commercial real estate transactions. Some of the world’s best hotels, golf courses, resorts, office towers and business centres are insured by Stewart Title. Our global reach and financial strength, combined with the expertise of our Commercial Team, enable us to handle the most complex transactions. We can facilitate specialized commercial endorsements for almost any situation. Our title insurance services provide efficient closings and fast turnaround times. With Stewart Title you can close real estate transactions with security and peace of mind. Visit to view some of our recent transactions, or call us for a quotation on your next transaction to see us in action. 1.888.667.5151 ÉtÉ 2008 CCCA Canadian Corporate Counsel Association 19 CCCA62_019.indd 1 05/05/2008 09:54:45 AM
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