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CCCA_V2No2_Dept-Performance-FIN.qxd:CCCA_V1No2_Dept-MgLaw-V1.qxd 5/1/08 2:24 PM Page 13 Performance In The Law Department help explain the upward movement in the outcomes.The top relationship criteria are ments, corporate counsel for all other lev- length of the work week. (The public sec- expertise in a specialty area, understanding els will remain in high demand. tor is not much different. Fully 35% report of the industry sector, and experience and Individuals responsible for recruiting, average work weeks in excess of 45 hours.) judgement.The same six criteria will come motivating and retaining in-house coun- The lead time to train qualified young into play when making the business case to sel must invest enough time and resources lawyers,usually in law firms,is at least three create and grow a legal department, and to to develop the competencies of the very years. Taking all the factors into account, promote those who are already there or to mobile talent pool in their immediate and appreciating the global market for give them more diversified and strategical- universe. young and experienced in-house counsel ly significant roles. with commercial and industry-sector The future for in-house counsel is Richard G. Stock, experience,the balance will remain strong- bright. But it is no place for the faint- M.A., FCIS, CMC, is ly in favour of the supply side in the legal hearted.The work is significant in quanti- a partner with Catalyst services market for at least five years.This ty, is specialized, and increasingly has glob- Consulting. The firm does not take into account the dozens of al implications for the company.There will has been designated by organizations each year that decide to hire be an unmet demand for the next four to the Canadian Corporate their first in-house corporate lawyer. five years for experienced lawyers and for Counsel Association as a Recognized Supplier The Australian survey also reported on those with a solid grounding in commer- for the provision of Legal Services Consulting. the top criteria used to select law firms. cial/contract law; industry sector experi- It also collaborates with the Australian The service criteria were the commercial ence will remain a trump card.While chief Corporate Lawyers Association. Richard can practicality of the advice, the overall value legal officer positions will not abound, be contacted at (416) 367-4447 or through rather than the hourly rate, and optimal except for companies creating legal depart- the website at " -BX 'JSN #VJMU PO 1BSUOFSTIJQ *O PVS FYQFSJFODF B TUSPOH QBSUOFSTIJQ CFUXFFO MBX GJSN BOE DMJFOU JT UIF CFTU XBZ UP HFU SFTVMUT 0VS HPBM JT UP CF BO JOEJTQFOTBCMF QBSU PG ZPVS PSHBOJ[BUJPO " QBSUOFS " GJSN XIP DBO BOUJDJQBUF ZPVS OFFET BOE FYDFFE ZPVS FYQFDUBUJPOT 8F BSF $PY 1BMNFS BOE ZPV DBO GJOE VT BDSPTT "UMBOUJD $BOBEB PGGFSJOH B GVMM SBOHF PG MFHBM TFSWJDFT 'PS NPSF JOGPSNBUJPO WJTJU DPYBOEQBMNFS DPN /07" 4$05*" /&8 #36/48*$, 13*/$& &%8"3% *4-"/% /&8'06/%-"/% -"#3"%03 DPYBOEQBMNFS DPN 4/9/08 12:15:32 PM Cox & Palmer Progress.indd 1 ÉtÉ 2008 CCCA Canadian Corporate Counsel Association 13 CCCA62_013.indd 1 05/05/2008 09:44:36 AM
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