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CCCA_V3No2_Dept-Performance-FIN.qxd:CCCA_V1No2_Dept-MgLaw-V1.qxd 4/28/09 11:30 AM Page 11 Performance In The Law Department discipline to shed operational support activ- counsel in non-HQ countries tend to rely are too small. And perhaps litigation must ity in favor of new strategic initiatives. on no more than three firms for 85% be referred to local counsel. Nevertheless, Reporting relationships for lawyers in of their legal work. Most of this will be to surveys show that 40% of such law depart- multi-jurisdictional law departments are support litigation, regulatory and labor and ments have no discount pricing in place, frequently dual in nature.The most senior employment requirements. Corporate, IP and that fewer than 10% regularly use lawyer in a country that does not house and tax requirements are infrequent. detailed budgeting for matters of medium the company’s global headquarters will When asked about which standards and and significant complexity.Much more can typically have a functional reporting rela- practice support systems were used by be done to introduce cost-effective tionship to the global Chief Legal Officer most members of the law department arrangements with external counsel. for professional matters and perhaps even across borders, our survey findings were for legal budgets and external counsel. At inconclusive.They included codes of con- Richard G. Stock, the same time, there will also be a report- duct, anti-trust policies, guidance on cor- M.A., FCIS, CMC ing line to the country COO/CEO for porate governance, initiatives to control is a partner with operational support and workflow priori- external legal costs, scheduled communi- Catalyst Consulting. ties. In some instances, senior counsel will cation updates and education and contract The firm has been report to a CEO or VP of Corporate management software. It appears as if cor- designated by the Services. The litmus test is whether the porate legal standards are more frequently Canadian Corporate General Counsel has effective access to the shared than practice management tools. Counsel Association as a Recognized Supplier executive team. There appears to be almost no alignment of Law Department Services Consulting. It is a Chief Legal Officers say their two biggest in the choice of external counsel for the Program Partner with the Australian Corporate challenges are managing the law depart- HQ country and the choices made by Lawyers Association. Richard can be contacted ment’s workload and workflow, and reduc- counsel in individual countries.Perhaps the at (416) 367-4447 ext 1 or through the web- ing external legal expenses. Corporate volumes of commercial and financing work site at ÉTÉ 2009 CCCA Canadian Corporate Counsel Association 11
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