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CCCA_V3No2_PresMessage-FIN.qxd:CCCA_V1No2_PresMessage-V1.qxd 4/28/09 11:27 AM Page 7 From The President Global networking Mot de la Présidente Le réseautage The CCCA provides its members with the tools mondial for making vital connections. L’ACCJE fournit à ses membres des outils essentiels à la création de liens professionnels. By Leanne Andree Par Leanne Andree ’ve always believed that networking has so much value.Whether in person, or by e- ’ai toujours cru en la grande valeur du mail, telephone or via video conference, there’s no doubt about the value of being réseautage, que ce soit en personne, par Iin contact with like-minded people who share your professional experiences. Jcourriel,téléphone ou vidéoconférence. The benefits of networking were amply demonstrated at CCCA’s inaugural World Le Sommet mondial de l’ACCJE à Summit.The Summit attracted corporate counsel attendees and/or speakers from across guichets fermés en a largement démontré Canada and many different parts of the world. Some of these participants travelled vast les bénéfices. Des conseillers juridiques distances to attend the Summit. d’entreprise et des conférenciers venus des The fact that so many corporate counsel, from so many areas, chose to attend the quatre coins du Canada et de l’étranger y Summit (we sold out!) spoke volumes about the high calibre of speakers and opportu- ont participé. nities for continuing education the Summit provided. It also demonstrated that corpo- Ce sommet a démontré que peu importe rate counsel know how much can be gained by networking. l’origine du conseiller juridique d’entreprise, What was abundantly clear throughout the Summit was the similarity of experience sa préoccupation principale est de gagner among all of us: no matter whether you’re a corporate counsel from Canada or abroad, en efficacité et d’être plus réactif à l’égard fundamentally our issues are the same.We all wrestle with making our departments more des clients. Le travail à l’interne et à efficient and more responsive to our clients. Insourcing, use of external counsel, alterna- l’externe, les méthodes de facturation alter- tive billing methods and human resources are on each corporate counsel’s agenda. natives et les ressources humaines constituent Corporate counsel from different economies may be feeling economic pressures to toutes leurs priorités. differing degrees. Positives may be coming at differing rates and in differing guises. But L’événement a également prouvé à quel what we all realized, over and over as we networked, was how much we can learn from point nous pouvons apprendre des autres, each other because we face so many of the same issues daily. car ils font face aux mêmes problèmes That’s why CCCA has made establishing relationships with fellow in-house counsel au quotidien. associations around the world a priority: our sister associations include Mexico, Hong C’est pourquoi l’ACCJE a établi des rela- Kong,Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Malaysia, Singapore, Belgium and France. tions avec des associations jumelles du These relationships provide tangible benefits for CCCA members: information- Mexique, de Hong Kong, d’Australie, sharing, assistance in locating corporate counsel in diverse geographic areas, and d’Afrique du Sud, de la Malaisie, du expanded learning opportunities. Singapour, de la Belgique et de la France. CCCA will continue to provide our members with numerous opportunities for L’ACCJE continuera à fournir à ses networking with corporate counsel in Canada and internationally. Whether on the membres de nombreuses occasions de local level or at conferences,our members can always rely on CCCA to help them make réseautage avec des conseillers juridiques vital connections. d’entreprise au Canada et à l'étranger. Send your comments to Commentaires? An affilate of / Affiliée à ROGERS PUBLISHING LTD. Subscription enquiries should be addressed to/ Business & Professional Publishing Pour les questions concernant l’abonnement, Senior Vice-President veuillez communiquer avec : John Milne Debbie Walsh — CCCA/ACCJE One Mount Pleasant Road, 7th Floor Business & Professional Publishing CANADIAN CORPORATE COUNSEL ASSOCIATION Executive Editor/Rédacteur exécutif ISSN No. 1913-0562, Vice-President Toronto, ON, M4Y 2Y5. Jordan Furlong: Publications Mail Agreement Paul Williams L’ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE DES Our environmental policy is available at: CONSEILLERS(ÈRES) JURIDIQUES D’ENTREPRISES Managing Editor/Rédactrice administrative No. 40070230. Return 300-20 Toronto Street, Bev Cline: Undeliverable Canadian HEALTHCARE & FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP environmental.htm Toronto, ON, M5C 2B8 Senior Editor/Rédacteur principal Addresses to: Publisher Vous pouvez consulter notre politique de Tel.: (416) 869-0522 Fax: (416) 869-0946 Yves Faguy: Circulation Dept., One Mount Stefanie MacDonald (416) 764-3911 l’environnement à : e-mail: Pleasant Rd, 7th flr. Toronto, ON, Art Director/Directeur artistique M4Y 2Y5 environmental.htm Tony Delitala: Production Manager This magazine is printed with vegetable inks and Kenny Auyoung (416) 764-3919 Executive Director/Directrice exécutive Designer/Conceptrice graphique is 100% recyclable where facilities exist. 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