Page 13 - CCCA62_2010
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CCCA_V4No2_Dept-Technology-FIN.qxd:CCCA_V1No2_Dept-CrossBdr-V1.qxd 4/29/10 4:15 PM Page 13 Technology “ You could be connecting outside the organization’s firewall. to a wireless access point Act remotely A lost smartphone does not auto- Beware unsecured that is illegitimate… ” matically lead to a data breach. Wi-Fi connections Dan Pinnington, LAWPRO Most smartphones let IT staff (or Budget-conscious owners may pre- savvy smartphone owners) make fer to use free Wi-Fi connections in some of the following evasive places like coffee shops to keep cell charges computer- and Internet-based systems. manoeuvres via the Internet: to a minimum. While synchronizing regularly won’t pre- • “wipe” the data off a phone; Pinnington recommends people think vent a data breach from a lost or stolen • set a passcode (useful for people who twice. “You could be connecting to a handset,it will enable the owner to recov- did not set it prior to losing the phone); wireless access point that is illegitimate,” er data from that phone — appointments, • locate the phone; he says,“one that is set up to look legiti- tasks, contacts, documents and so forth — • flash a message (e.g. reward if found, call mate but captures your ID and passwords and in some cases put it on a new phone. 123-456-7890) when the phone is as you log in.” powered on; Tell your IT department • make the ringer sound, even if the Back up your smartphone about lost phones phone is set to silent mode. Smartphones are made to be connected And don’t wait.The sooner IT staff know, to computers and synchronized with both the faster they can react. Luigi Benetton is a freelance writer inToronto. CCCA62_013.indd 1 05/04/2010 12:13:46 PM