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CCCA_V4No3_Dept-Ethics-V2.qxd:CCCA_V1No2_Dept-CourtLeg-V1.qxd 9/2/10 7:34 AM Page 19 Ethics Ultimate Corporate Counsel Guide Developed in partnership with the CCCA, it is the one-stop resource you can depend on. of the anonymity of its whistleblower There is no better way to get access to practical guidance on a broad range of hotline. If senior management, properly topics that affect your professional role than with the Ultimate Corporate informed of the complaints, decides to Counsel Guide. Topics covered in the guide include Privacy, Employment & funnel the complaints back to the mid- Labour Law, Corporate Governance, Common Business Agreements, Directors’ and Shareholders’ Meetings, Securities, International issues and much more. dle management team that is the subject of the complaints, there is then a clear FREE Newsletter: Included with your subscription is the monthly Ultimate Corporate Counsel Newsletter. breach of the company’s stated commit- Designed based on the feedback of 1,269 CCCA members! ment to protecting the anonymity of ■ Precedents and Tools to Encourage Best Practices the complainant.When employees dis- ◆ Case law, sample letters, policies, agreements, applications, cover these breaches they naturally con- checklists, etc. clude that the organization and its ■ Time-Saving Practical Information whistleblower program lacks integrity. ◆ Insightful analysis and commentary in each topic Before handling complaints, organi- ■ Industry-Leading Contributors zations must carefully determine ◆ Collaborative efforts of over exactly which principles and values 50 lawyers, expert authors, and CCH editors will guide them in carrying out their policies and procedures after a com- plaint is filed. CCCA Member Finally,a whistleblower hotline is just Discounts Available one part of a broader compliance and ethics program. It is important to edu- Contact your CCH Account Manager at 1-866-850-7467 to learn more. cate senior managers about how the various elements of such a program work together as a whole. Multilayered The Professional’s Diary 2011 policies and procedures should be mapped out so that each complaint can Available November 2010 • Item No. B374 be considered in the context of the compliance and ethics system in place. Standing Order SAVE 15% $143.65/ea. Offer expires Oct 31, 2010. Mapping out and frequent referral to Regular Order SAVE 10% $152.10/ea. the overall system is important when Offer expires Oct 31, 2010. addressing complaints. Bulk Order Discounts + Custom Cover Follow-through on complaints is Available Please call 1-866-850-7467 for details hard work. It involves decisions. However, if the organization is clear Why is “The Professional’s Diary 2011” so unique? and consistent in its approach to han- It is a weekly professional planner with two major divisions: A calendar and a dling complaints and follows its own unique 100-page Canadian business reference section. policies and procedures, and this is vis- Calendar Section: ible to employees, whistleblower pro- • 12 months (January - December) gram integrity will be preserved and • One week per two-page spread with a To-Do and a monthly planning section strengthened. • Half-hourly weekday appointments from 7:30 am to 7:00 pm Highlights in 2011 Business Reference Section: • capital tax rates and exemptions; Christa C. • personal tax credit rates and individual income tax table; and Wessel B.A., • federal and provincial corporate tax rates. LLB., C.Dir. • RRSP, CPP, QPP, and Old Age Security information charts; and is the chief legal • information charts regarding minimum wage rates, hours of work, statutory officer at holidays, leaves of absence, and vacation pay. McCain Foods Limited. 3 Easy Ways To Order: Online: Tel: 1 (800) 268-4522 • Email: 0969-8-10 0969_CCCA Space Ad.indd 1 8/24/10 4:54 PM CCCA63_053.indd 19 09/08/2010 09:32:42 PM
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