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Conclusion performance management continuum in intellectual capital. Performance In The Law Department organizations after one makes it to through It is a time-consuming and demanding the job descriptions/competencies and The SMART Test responsibility to manage human resources classification initiatives. For performance Best practices in performance manage- in a legal department of several lawyers.It is management to have strategic value, the ment require the SMART test to be met doubly challenging for larger departments. goals and evaluation of performance must with the chosen initiatives and objectives. There is significant untapped potential be tied to the business units. For perform- Specific – based on a single theme. which is available by investing the time,and ance management to have a developmental Measurable – based on the four cornerstones by using every performance management impact on the company’s intellectual capi- of quantity, quality, cost and timeliness. technique available. tal and to also have strategic value, there Achievable – in the upcoming fiscal year, must be a correlation of the lawyer’s com- even if a stretch. Richard G. Stock, petency development with the annual cor- Relevant – linked to divisional success. M.A., FCIS, porate objectives. There must also be an Time-bound – targets and pacing through- CMC is a partner investment of time and money by the out the year. with Catalyst company, the department’s management Each initiative should have one or two Consulting.The and the individual lawyer to progress as indicators/measures.For balance,fewer than firm has been desig- business people and as legal professionals. half of these should address service and nated the Preferred Several general counsel surveyed believe costs. Some initiatives can be incorporated Provider for Legal they are successful in obtaining strategic into Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with Department Consulting by the Canadian value from their lawyers, but only four business units,while others should be incor- Corporate Counsel Association. Richard can departments demonstrate a commitment porated into the objectives of individual be reached at (416) 367-4447 or at to formal systems which actively develop lawyers to be achieved across a given year. The CCCA would like to thank the 2011 Annual Conference sponsors for their generous support. L’ACCJE tient à remercier les commanditaires de la Conférence annuelle de 2011 pour leur soutien généreux. AUTOMNE 2011 CCCA Canadian Corporate Counsel Association 11