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CCCA_V5No4_Profiles-FIN_CCCA_V1No1_Profile-FIN.qxd 11/20/11 9:50 PM Page 13 Profile of civil law cases. But over time, it got the develop a diverse skill set. to do skits, performances and Jim was in better of him. “You just end up a small law firm. We there like a dirty shirt. He’s always been “I got tired of telling people ‘You only don’t do any family or criminal law, but that guy.” want to sue somebody for $50,000? Is that beyond that you know one way or another Dayna Spiring, his co-counsel, who has worth it?’ I mean, if somebody said that to most areas of practice come across our desk. worked directly with McLandress in the me about my $50,000 I would not be We end up with some obscure areas,” he legal department for seven years, calls him impressed — I’d go ballistic. I just needed explains “Maritime law is always amusing a “cool-headed, big thinker”; something a change.And, boom, it’s been a change.” because, not surprisingly, the University of that has come in handy more recently. A fortuitous lunch with an old law Manitoba doesn’t have a really good mar- “With the situation right now with the school colleague, MaggieWiebe, who was itime law program. In fact, they don’t have federal government, things are pretty heat- working in-house at theWheat Board,led one at all.I guess there just aren’t that many ed around here a lot of the time and there’s to a discussion of the benefits of a corpo- boats out here.” a lot of uncertainty. But Jim is really good rate gig. He recalls that after a decade of Wiebe, who worked with McLandress about taking a step back and looking at the contentious litigation work, a job at the for nearly 10 years before becoming the big picture from all angles.Trying to figure Board looked comparatively cushy to him Board’s director of strategic planning and out how we should respond.” at the time. corporate policy in 2010, says that sense Spiring thinks one of his secrets to sur- “My initial thought was ‘Wheat? How of humour came in handy, particularly vival, aside from his love of his family, his- complicated can that be? I was so wrong.” during busy periods when the days tory and obscure trivia,may by his passion He began shortly after, in the fall of 1999, stretched from the standard nine to 10- for a different kind of drama. For the past and it didn’t take long for things to get hours to 14 hours, or more. few years he’s found the time to take part interesting.“I think it was quiet for about “He’s one of those great guys to have in yearly plays put on by the Manitoba a month.” around because he can really lighten the Bar Association as a fundraiser for the His first big challenge came when he got mood. He’s got an upbeat personality; he’s Manitoba Theatre Centre. a call from a firm one Friday after- not a sit-at-home, read-a-book-by-the- She recalls that in 2009“he performed in noon.That launched a three-year, $15-mil- fireplace kind of guy.” The Producers as Roger DuPuis,the director. lion trade dispute withAmerican grain pro- Wiebe says that he is also relentlessly For his big number he was in full drag ROBERT TINKER ducers (it eventually ended in the Board’s friendly and rarely lets his stress show.“He himself, he’s a great performer and he did a singing a song called ‘Keep it Gay.’What’s great is that he’s totally prepared to laugh at is one of the most social people that you favour).Since then he’s learned that the best way to prepare for the unpredictable is to will ever meet. …In law school they had HIVER 2011 CCCA Canadian Corporate Counsel Association 13
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