Page 14 - CCCA64_2011
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CCCA_V5No4_Profiles-FIN_CCCA_V1No1_Profile-FIN.qxd 11/20/11 9:52 PM Page 14 Profile “Jim is one of those guys who “ My initial thought was fantastic job.” ‘Wheat? How complicated can but in practice it hangs together quite well.” is incredibly comfortable being in that be? I was so wrong. In its 76 years the Board has the spotlight,he likes to make fun ” weathered a lot of storms, includ- of himself and make other people ing mounting criticism by younger laugh. And I don’t think anyone around the historicWheat Board alive. farmers who believed they could get a here was surprised [when he did it].” Springing from the Western co-opera- better price for their wheat on the open It’s possible that his love of theatre helps tive tradition, the Canadian Wheat Board market and resent the Board’s authority. him handle the drama that he faces every was born in 1935 as a way of helping Many even refuse to grow wheat or barley day at work “The stress is crazy,” says farmers (left financially ruined by the just so they don’t have to deal with the Spiring. “We have people who’ve been Great Depression) by controlling the price Board. It all adds heat to an already roar- working here for 30 years,and you have the of the grain they sold.A complicated enti- ing fire. But true to form, McLandress can government which has a very politically ty, it is similar to a co-operative in that it keep it all in perspective. charged mandate — very strong precon- collectively pools resources for the greater “The events that are underway now ceived notion about what theWheat Board good (unlike a co-operative, it isn't volun- with the government’s move to deregulate is about and what we are here for. Jim bal- tary.). Partly political, partly a trade union [the Board] are historic.They’re huge; the ances these all well.” and partly a regulatory body, it is also a game is for keeps. Like I just said to some- His colleagues aren’t the only ones to multi-billion dollar business. body, it’s not often that you get to live a take notice.This year McLandress was nom- “It is such a fascinating entity,” says piece of history. So, that’s pretty cool.” inated for Canadian Corporate Counsel McLandress. “Describing it is kind of Award in the Mid-Market Excellence cate- like describing a camel. Looking at it, Brad MacKay is a freelance writer based gory,in recognition of his efforts in keeping you’d think it’s sort of a bizarre construct: in Ottawa. WE CAN HANDLE ANY PITCH. LITIGATIONBOUTIQUE.COM WOODS LLP LITIGATION . ARBITRATION . CLASS ACTION 2000 MGILL COLLEGE AVE. SUITE 1700 MONTREAL, QUEBEC H3A 3H3 T. 5149824545