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CCCA_V6No2_EditMessage-FIN_CCCA_V1No2_EditMessage-V1.qxd 5/23/12 9:57 PM Page 5 From the Editor Le temps Stop and think Mot de la rédactrice exécutive Sure it’s hard to find the time, de réfléchir but the results are worth it. Pas facile de le trouver, mais le résultat en vaut le coup. By Beverley Spencer Par Beverley Spencer hen did big-picture thinking get to be a luxury? uand une perspective globale est-elle devenue W Talk to just about anyone today and you’ll hear a familiar refrain: “I’m Qun luxe? too busy to think.” Everyone is preoccupied with meeting the next deadline, clos- « Trop occupé pour réfléchir » est devenu un leit- ing the next deal or making the next sale. The demands on our time are relentless, motiv aujourd’hui. Tous se soucient de respecter les and it can seem to make more sense to knock one more thing off our to-do list échéanciers, de conclure une transaction ou d’ef- than spend time deep in thought. fectuer leur prochaine vente. Il semble plus facile de In-house counsel are feeling the pressure too. The 2012 Barometer Survey (see liquider les tâches en cours que de réfléchir. CCCA News for details) found that the biggest challenge facing respondents isn’t Les conseillers juridiques d’entreprise sont égale- proving their value to the organization or cutting the legal spend: it’s that their day- ment sous pression. Le sondage baromètre 2012 to-day workload leaves little time for “big-picture thinking” or developing initiatives indique que le plus grand défi auquel les répondants that could benefit the organization as a whole. In fact, this challenge is twice as impor- font face n’est ni la réduction des coûts ni le fait qu’ils tant as maintaining privilege in a corporate environment, which ranked second. soient une valeur ajoutée pour l’organisation. En fait, What does this mean? For one thing, it suggests that in-house counsel are missing leurs tâches quotidiennes leur laissent peu de temps out on opportunities to have a greater impact at work and improve their relation- pour une réflexion globale ou le développement ships with internal and external clients. In their book, Clients for Life: How Great d’initiatives bénéfiques à l’ensemble de l’organisation. Professionals Develop Breakthrough Relationships, Jagdish Sheth and Andrew Sobel write Pourtant, dans leur ouvrage Clients for Life: How that lawyers who want to stand out must evolve from being experts who practise law Great Professionals Develop Breakthrough Relationships, on a transactional basis to “wisdom workers” who provide insight, ideas and yes, big- Jagdish Sheth et Andrew Sobel affirment que les picture thinking. avocats désireux de se démarquer doivent passer Good big-picture thinking or synthesis, the authors say, is a thinking process that d’experts praticiens du droit en affaires à des « tra- identifies patterns, simplifies and frames the most critical issues, creates a new idea or vailleurs sages » aptes à fournir perspicacité, idées et develops new conclusions from old data. It also involves transferring ideas from one vue d’ensemble. field to another to create new tools and techniques for dealing with issues. The authors Selon les auteurs, une bonne perspective glo- use the example of Merrill Lynch, which borrowed mass-merchandising concepts bale est basée sur une réflexion qui fait appel à la from chain stores to reimagine the stockbroker business, but there’s another example fois aux parties créative et analytique du cerveau. from the in-house counsel world: Ernst & Young Global General Counsel Trevor Prenez l’exemple de Trevor Faure, l’avocat-con- Faure adopted modern management strategies to run the legal department like a busi- seil général à Ernst & Young Global que nous ness (for more about his work, see our interview with Mr. Faure in this issue.) avons interviewé dans ce numéro, qui a adopté des It’s not going to get any easier for time-starved lawyers to noodle over the big-pic- stratégies de gestion modernes pour diriger le ture problems facing their organizations. But perhaps cultivating certain habits of département juridique comme une entreprise. mind can help. The authors suggest suspending judgment and engaging in thinking Évidemment, il n’est pas facile de gagner le temps that uses both the creative and analytical sides of the brain. qu’il nous faut pour réfléchir. Mais ça ne sera jamais It might be hard to find the time, but clearly, it’s time well-spent. du temps perdu. Send your comments to Commentaires? A conference of / Une conférence de ROGERS PUBLISHING LTD. Subscription enquiries should be addressed to/ Executive Publisher Pour les questions concernant l’abonnement, Financial Services Group veuillez communiquer avec : Garth Thomas Audience Development — CCCA/ACCJE One Mount Pleasant Road, 7th Floor Toronto, ON, M4Y 2Y5. CANADIAN CORPORATE COUNSEL ASSOCIATION Executive Editor/Rédactrice exécutive ISSN No. 1913-0562, HEALTHCARE & FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP Beverley Spencer: Publications Mail Agreement L’ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE DES Publisher Our environmental policy is available at: CONSEILLERS(ÈRES) JURIDIQUES D’ENTREPRISES Senior Editor/Rédacteur principal No. 40070230. Return Stefanie MacDonald (416) 764-3911 410-20 Toronto Street, Yves Faguy: Undeliverable Canadian environmental.htm Toronto, ON, M5C 2B8 Associate Editor/Rédactrice associé Addresses to: Production Manager Vous pouvez consulter notre politique de l’environ- Tel.: (416) 869-0522 Fax: (416) 869-0946 Katya Hodge : Circulation Dept., One Mount Karen Richards (416) 764-1688 nement à : e-mail: Art Director/Directeur artistique Pleasant Rd, 7th flr. Toronto, ON, Tony Delitala: M4Y 2Y5 environmental.htm This magazine is printed with vegetable inks and Chair/Président Designer/Conceptrice graphique is 100% recyclable where facilities exist. Geoff Creighton: Rozalynd Taylor-Platt: Recyclable là où le service est offert. ÉTÉ 2012 CCCA Canadian Corporate Counsel Association 5
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