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CCCA_V6No3_Cover-FIN_CCCA_V6No1_Cover-V1.qxd 9/19/12 10:22 AM Page 1 CCCA CANADIAN CORPORATE COUNSEL ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE magazine DES CONSEILLERS (ÈRES) JURIDIQUES D’ENTREPRISES CCCA IS A CBA CONFERENCE L’ACCJE EST UNE Leading Corporate Counsel • Le conseiller juridique d’entreprise – Droit devant CONFÉRENCE DE L’ABC FALL 2012 AUTOMNE Volume 6, No. 3 Diversity at work: Strategies for becoming an employer of choice Invite-a-friend: Referral marketing without tears Inside scoop: The 2012 In-house counsel compensation and career survey Proxy fight playbook Activist shareholders are rattling corporate Canada. Cristina Circelli General counsel Are you ready? CN Railway Montreal PM 40070230 — Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Circulation Dept. One Mount Pleasant Road, 7th Floor, Toronto, ON M4Y 2Y5