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CCCA_V6No3_ToC-FIN_CCCA_V1No2_ToC-V1.qxd 9/19/12 10:23 AM Page 3 CANADIAN CORPORATE CCCA COUNSEL ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE magazine DES CONSEILLERS (ÈRES) JURIDIQUES D’ENTREPRISES CCCA IS A CBA CONFERENCE L’ACCJE EST UNE Table of Contents Leading Corporate Counsel • Le conseiller juridique d’entreprise – Droit devant CONFÉRENCE DE L’ABC FALL 2012 AUTOMNE Volume 6, No. 3 5 From the Editor It’s not your imagination: the pace of change is accelerating. Fortunately, there’s help. 7 From the Chair Celebrating 25 years as the voice of in-house counsel. 44 Spotlight on… The new face of in-house counsel In-house counsel have moved from pushing paper to having a seat at the executive table, creating new opportunities — and higher expectations. 48 CCCA News Meet Grant Borbridge: The new CCCA chair on leadership, volunteering and CCCA’s 25 years of in-house excellence; compensation survey results; report on the Canadian Legal Conference in Vancouver. Features 18 Proxy Fights Confident investors are rattling corporate Canada with proxy fights and 18 unprecedented shareholder activism. Here’s how and why in-house need to prepare. By Pablo Fuchs Cover photography by Spyros Bourboulis 26 Creating Diversity Diversity is key to becoming an employer of choice. A sound strategy and implementation plan will help get you there. By Kim Covert 34 Q&A: Paul Lippe Paul Lippe, CEO of OnRamp Systems, discusses technology trends that are changing the business of law and why lawyers are slow to adapt to new ways of doing business. By Beverley Spencer Departments 26 8 Performance in the Law Department Tips on managing relationships with law firms to create enduring alliances. By Richard G. Stock 10 E-Commerce How to take advantage of referral marketing without getting tripped up on privacy issues. By Timothy M. Banks 12 Legal Project Management A four-step process to get started on the path to strategic legal planning. By Melissa LaFlair 34 14 Profile: Anna Fung TimberWest Forest’s new general counsel works hard and plays hard — and wouldn’t have it any other way. By Michael Dempster 39 Deals & Developments A look at some of the deals, acquisitions and financings that took place over the last several months. By Gina Fusco Legal Update 53 The case for improved technology in court It’s time to modernize the court system in Ontario. By Eli Mogil, McCarthy Tétrault 54 Inside Edge Why we need a return to the foundations that make organizations stand up for what’s right — and the role that lawyers can play. By Robert Patzelt, Q.C. 14 AUTOMNE 2012 CCCA Canadian Corporate Counsel Association 3