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CCCA_V7No1_Dept-ProjectMgmt3-FIN_CCCA_V6No4 2/12/13 3:04 PM Page 11 Legal Project Management show over the next two months) and com- In this example the benefits that will areas in advance you will greatly reduce munications (user-friendly templates and drive marketing’s buy-in relate to the ben- implementation stress and last-minute training plus a preliminary informal launch efits that will motivate legal to work late firefighting as you will have the opportu- with key marketing types will be required). to create the template and training mate- nity to identify and plan for differing rials. They also support the specific objec- perspectives at a time when you can think Addressing the details tive of a long-term reduction in the nights through and assess reasonable alternatives. Once you have a high-level plan, drill that legal works late on these last-minute This supports productive and beneficial down and fill in the details for each of the requests and the organizational objective decision-making. It can also help you nine elements.As you address one element of developing potential deals faster. This identify any significant obstacles that may you may need to make adjustments to process of considering the details for each warrant reconsidering some of the alter- another,interrelated one.Thinking through of the nine knowledge areas ensures a natives reviewed in Step 2 and pursuing these details in advance will have a direct robust approach that accounts for the a different approach if implementation and positive impact on your successful interactive nature of the elements, the of your initially preferred option is too implementation of any project. impact on those immediately involved as problematic. Looking again at the example,details on well as the organization as the more critical areas could look like this: a whole and results in a true “win-win” situation! Risk As you address one Mitigate marketing resistance: get Finalizing the Plan “ two likely resisters as well as an Once you have consid- element you may need to make early adopter / informal opinion leader ered the detailed ele- adjustments to another, on board. ments, step back and take interrelated one. Communications a final high-level look to Plan informal discussions with “risk make sure all of the ” people” and relevant legal team pieces still fit and that members to solicit input and support you aren’t missing any- based on benefits (see Integration below) followed by formal communi- thing. In particular, confirm that Now that you have the knowl- cation to all involved of the template the details support a deliverable edge, keep the momentum going approach, benefits and training dates. consistent with the initial objec- and spend the next few months tive (Scope) and that there aren’t thinking through the details of the HR any extra bits that have crept into best alternative that you identified at Schedule pre-trade show implement- the plan (such as creating a sys- the end of Step 2. Set a deadline of ation that will cause the least interfer- ence with marketing’s trade show tem for tracking the rate that marketing having a plan that you are ready to put preparation. Identify availability of negotiated agreements convert to poten- into motion when the next and last instal- additional legal resources and/or legal tial deals). To the extent there has been ment of this series appears in the Summer team members able to assist in the any shift from the initial objective,or there issue of CCCA Magazine. template program. are any extra bits, be sure to obtain specif- Integration ic approval for each before including them Melissa LaFlair, Certified PMP, LL.B., Ivey Identify benefit of faster deal develop- in the plan that you roll out. HBA., is a lawyer and project manager with ment available to marketing (and more than 16 years of experience solving legal organization) if they negotiate their and business challenges.This is the third of a own agreements as well as short and Importance of the Third Step four-part series. long-term benefits for legal. By considering each of the nine knowledge PRINTEMPS 2013 CCCA Canadian Corporate Counsel Association 11