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CCCA_V7No1_EditMessage-FIN_CCCA 2/12/13 2:26 PM Page 5 Mot de la rédactrice exécutive From the Editor The new Le nouveau marché marketplace Prestation de services juridiques dignes des clients avertis. How sophisticated clients are raising the bar for legal services delivery. Par Beverley Spencer By Beverley Spencer here has been a lot of talk in recent years about innovation and the legal ’innovation dans l’industrie des services juridiques Tprofession. It’s usually accompanied by much angst and gnashing of teeth Lfait beaucoup jaser depuis quelques années, même about lawyers’ devotion to doing business as usual and their reluctance to si l’idée est souvent reçue avec angoisse et grincement embrace change. de dents. Like most sweeping statements, there is a kernel of truth to it, but it’s not the Cependant, force est de constater que plusieurs avocats whole picture. Change isn’t happening as quickly as some observers believe it ont saisi l’importance de repositionner leur cabinet pour should, and it’s clear that the traditional law firm model will not be jettisoned mieux répondre aux demandes de leurs clients avertis. overnight. But there is plenty of evidence that savvy practitioners are reposition- Le texte de Richard Stock fait justement état des ing their firms for a new kind of marketplace — because their sophisticated nouvelles exigences de ceux-ci. En préparant une clients demand it. récente demande de propositions de services juridiques Consider Richard Stock’s column in this issue. Working on a request for pro- destinée à un cabinet international, il a constaté une posals recently for legal services to global law firms, he discovered that the qual- amélioration importante de la qualité des DP depuis ity of RFPs has improved in the three short years since he last prepared one. trois ans. En peu de temps, les clients avertis ont réussi à Sophisticated clients, he says, have helped raise the bar in a relatively short time. faire connaître leurs exigences et il importe aux cabinets What does this mean? It’s not enough anymore to rely on referrals and per- d’améliorer la prestation de services pour concurrencer. sonal contacts to generate business. Firms, he says, “have to demonstrate that Effectivement, les références et les connaissances they are investing in relationships and infrastructure in anticipation of future personnelles ne suffisent plus pour développer les demand.” And law departments should be asking for proof. affaires. Selon Stock, « les cabinets doivent démontrer Among the information he suggests corporate counsel seek: a brief summa- qu’ils investissent dans leurs relations d’affaires et qu’ils ry of the firm’s relevant industry experience, including up to 10 examples of ont l’infrastructure qu’il faut en prévision de la transactions, litigation and regulatory matters; suggestions on project manage- demande future. » ment and intake practices; and experience in non-hourly billing. Tout indique l’arrivée de nouvelles pratiques d’af- All of this points to new ways of doing business in both law departments and faires entre les départements de services juridiques et private law firms. Competitive pressures are forcing everyone to think very dif- les cabinets privés. Il y a 10 ans, combien de cabinets ferently about the practice of law. Ten years ago, how many firms had business dressaient des plans d’affaires stratégiques pour plans focused on strategies for strengthening client relationships and growing améliorer les relations clients et cultiver les personnes the right people? And how many in-house counsel would have thought to ask concernées? Et combien de juristes d’entreprises about their commitment to these objectives? auraient interrogé les cabinets à l’égard de leur enga- The CBA is currently examining the future of the legal profession as part of ment vis-à-vis leurs objectifs? a two-year national initiative aimed at preparing Canada’s lawyers for the future C’est dans ce contexte que l’ABC a lancé une étude and ensuring that the profession remains highly relevant to the lives of sur l’avenir de la pratique du droit dans le cadre d’un Canadians. One thing is certain: it won’t be business as usual. But there is plen- projet national de deux ans. Chose certaine : le statu quo ty of evidence that the change message has been received loud and clear. n’a plus sa place. Place au changement. Send your comments to Commentaires? A conference of / Une conférence de ROGERS PUBLISHING LTD. Subscription enquiries should be addressed to/ Executive Publisher Pour les questions concernant l’abonnement, Financial Services Group veuillez communiquer avec : Garth Thomas Audience Development — CCCA/ACCJE One Mount Pleasant Road, 7th Floor Toronto, ON, M4Y 2Y5. CANADIAN CORPORATE COUNSEL ASSOCIATION Executive Editor/Rédactrice exécutive ISSN No. 1913-0562, HEALTHCARE & FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP Beverley Spencer: Publications Mail Agreement L’ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE DES Publisher Our environmental policy is available at: CONSEILLERS(ÈRES) JURIDIQUES D’ENTREPRISES Senior Editor/Rédacteur principal No. 40070230. Return Shannon Ross (416) 764-3911 410-20 Toronto Street, Yves Faguy: Undeliverable Canadian environmental.htm Toronto, ON, M5C 2B8 Associate Editor/Rédactrice associé Addresses to: Production Manager Vous pouvez consulter notre politique de l’environ- Tel.: (416) 869-0522 Fax: (416) 869-0946 Katya Hodge : Circulation Dept., One Mount Karen Richards (416) 764-1688 nement à : e-mail: Art Director/Directeur artistique Pleasant Rd, 7th flr. Toronto, ON, Tony Delitala: M4Y 2Y5 environmental.htm This magazine is printed with vegetable inks and Chair/Président Designer/Conceptrice graphique is 100% recyclable where facilities exist. Grant Borbridge Rozalynd Taylor-Platt: Recyclable là où le service est offert. PRINTEMPS 2013 CCCA Canadian Corporate Counsel Association 5