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CCCA_V7No4_Col-News-FIN_CCCA 13-11-25 1:24 PM Page 46 CCCA News Rotman program is relevant, as it provides sibilities,” said attendee Col. Vihar Joshi, pilot that the CCCA–Rotman program the training and tools necessary to bridge Deputy Judge Advocate General. gives in-house counsel the tools to play the gap between being a trusted legal advis- “Students will come away with new an essential role in their organization by er and a strategic business adviser.” perspectives and increased confidence, giving them a world-class executive busi- The program was created through a which will make them a more effective ness education in a short period of time,” partnership between the CCCA and the team player within their institutions.” declared Stephen Rotstein, VP, Policy University of Toronto’s Rotman and Enforcement and General School of Management, and Counsel, Financial Planning consists of in-person sessions, a Standards Council, and CCCA self-paced online module and Ontario Chapter Chair. an experiential component. It surpassed all of The pilot workshops were a Successful candidates will earn “ my expectations! learning experience for all the Certified In-House Counsel involved: participants provided — Canada (CIC.C) designation. ” valuable feedback on how well Penny Harding, Bell Aliant Dealing with topics outside of the lessons, discussions and case legislation and case law — such studies reflect real-life working as organizational decision-mak- environments. They also helped to ing, business strategy, managing identify potential improvements performance and effective communica- For the in-person pilot, the program’s to ensure the focus remains on in-house tion — the modules provide the knowl- series of intensive three-day workshops counsel so graduates are properly prepared. edge required to succeed as managers and were condensed into two days, providing “I am exceptionally pleased with the take on leadership roles. Group work and participants with the highlights of each program pilot,” said Grant Borbridge, case studies dealing with important module. Attendees were senior-level in- Q.C., VP, Legal and General Counsel, C-suite issues are used to simulate real- house counsel from top organizations Meg Energy, and CCCA Chair. “It pro- world experience. across the country. vided excellent, practical knowledge that “This designation is the value-added “It surpassed all of my expectations!” will help many of the people in the room proposition for graduates,” said Gordon said Penny Harding, Senior Counsel, Bell enhance the work they are doing, despite Currie, Executive Vice-President and Aliant Regional Communications. “The the fact that they are already senior-level Chief Legal Officer, George Weston Ltd., instructors brought a wealth of expertise people. I firmly believe the program in his welcoming address. It will help par- and experience to the table and really delivers the tools in-house counsel need ticipants develop the wider business challenged participants to challenge to advance their career and ultimately knowledge that they may lack. themselves. The sessions were well become an effective general counsel and a “The CIC.C course presents a unique thought out, extremely relevant and contributing member of the executive learning opportunity for lawyers looking geared to provide the essential tools to team.” to make the transition to in-house counsel develop the skills required to be a strate- or for in-house counsel who are preparing gic internal business partner.” Lynne Yryku is a freelance writer based in to take on broader and increasing respon- “It is clear from the taste we got in the Georgetown, ON. The Business Leadership Program is suitable for Only Legal Officers first cohort begins the program in February 2014. and in-house counsel who want to grow their management and For more information: leadership skills, mid-level and senior counsel looking to advance, external counsel who would like to move in-house, and new-to-in- PHOTOGRAPHER/ILLUSTRATOR house counsel who require external training and development. The Executive-Programs/CoursesWorkshops/Programs/BLP-HC.aspx 46 CCCA Canadian Corporate Counsel Association WINTER 2013
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