Page 10 - CCCA 247020 Magazine Spring 2016
P. 10
{ ProfIle }
“ Diversity means you are in the
room. Inclusion means you are
at the table—being heard and
included in decision making.
“exceptionally interesting” role at UFCW Without a diversity of ideas, “We have to counter that almost surgi-
Canada. As General Counsel, Mehta has creativity is limited in any cally, building over time so that each indi-
the traditional role of a chief legal offcer, vidual has a better understanding of how
directing legal affairs with strategic advice organization. To listen to only they tick and why their biases exist.”
on a wide range of often complex issues, one group time and time again is Mehta believes that complicated prob-
including matters before Courts of Ap- irrational and goes against all the lems often require a multi-faceted solution.
peal and the Supreme Court of Canada. Dealing with human beings is not simply
As the lead on diversity and inclu- research that is out there. about rules and enforcing the law, he says.
sion, he steers the union’s multi-faceted ” “You are dealing with complex mindsets
national strategy on sustainable diver- and an individual’s specifc understand-
sity and inclusion while working closely but has a clear understanding as to strat- ing of the world. We must work forward
across Canada with feminist, LGBTQ, ra- egy, rationale and methodology around with a clear and non-adversarial strategy.
cialized, indigenous and other historically ensuring we are a growth organization,” It’s multi-faceted and speaks to a person
marginalized communities. Externally, Mehta says. “Growth, not just by our in a variety of ways. It must be meaning-
on a broader stage, he meets with politi- membership numbers, which is quanti- ful to them, and understand their broader
cians and the media, serves on numerous tative, but also qualitative, through the culture and context.”
boards, and speaks across Canada and in- quality of service we provide more than a Mehta’s reward is seeing a person he
ternationally on diversity and inclusion. quarter of a million members.” never thought would change become
“As the only union in Canada with a di- He’s highly optimistic and sees suc- more understanding and inclusive in
versity department, our journey of diver- cesses across Canada as more people their role. “You see the seeds that were
sity and inclusion speaks to the courage of and organizations recognize the need for planted and they’re germinating, starting
our leadership and staff,” Mehta says. meaningful diversity and inclusion. “Di- to fower, happening organically. It’s quite
The diversity department was created versity means you are in the room. Inclu- beautiful.”
in 2008 when Mehta joined the national sion means you are at the table—being It’s in good part why since those early
offce after working for its largest local heard and included in decision making. racial slurs and throughout his legal ca-
union as Senior Legal Counsel. He had Without a diversity of ideas, creativity is reer he continues to study the human
joined UFCW Canada in 1999 shortly limited in any organization. To listen to condition. In 16 years of practice, Mehta
before being called to the Ontario Bar. only one group time and time again is ir- says he understands there’s so much more
There, he and fellow lawyers litigated al- rational and goes against all the research he would like to learn. With each answer,
most every day. While not his role techni- that is out there.” fve more questions arise.
cally, over time, he was able to encourage a Organizational change can be a long “It goes back to that original curiosity
stronger systemic understanding of diver- process when dealing with long-held and driving me to understand the mechanics
sity and inclusion at the union. culturally socialized biases and beliefs. around an issue,” he explains. “It’s excep-
His current role allows him to pursue tionally interesting. There are often four
two great passions: building a culture that or fve more layers of cutting-edge re-
is more inclusive; and continuing his love search that are being done that I can’t wait
for the law, utilizing it as a tool to effect to incorporate into the legal or diversity
similar outcomes with regard to people at work I do.” ❚
work. For this he feels gratitude.
“UFCW Canada’s leadership not only
understands the benefts and the busi- Michael Dempster is a writer based in Calgary.
ness case around diversity and inclusion,
10 CCCa MaGazInE | SPRInG 2016 PRInTEMPS