Page 46 - CCCA 278683 Magazine_Spring 2018
P. 46


A bAlAnCing ACt With nAture

By Colleen Gara

Sometimes i fnd it hard to believe i have been practicing law Both careers also require the right en-
for almost 10 years. i’ve had a challenging but fulflling career, vironment to be successful. In wildlife
photography, to get a great image you
having worked both in-house and in private practice. As we all need an interesting subject, good light
know, working as a lawyer, while highly rewarding, can also be and the right gear. To succeed in law,
you need supportive coworkers, engag-
stressful, as we often face great pressure at work. ing work and the proper legal resources.
And in both scenarios, you have to work
at creating that successful environment in
o manage my stress levels in a healthy ticed. My images started to improve, and in which you can thrive.
way, I’ve always turned to my hob- 2016, I won an honourable mention at the Preparation is also key. Learning about
tbies, such as snowshoeing, horseback Audubon Photography Awards for my shot the animals I photograph is crucial, as
riding, kayaking and yoga. I enjoy all of of a pair of ravens in Banff National Park. well as knowing how to correctly oper-
them immensely (minus the horseback After that win, my wildlife photography ate my equipment. In law, it’s essential to
riding—a broken humerus made me re- career really started to take off. I began sell- stay current on your subject matter, prime
consider that one!). However, in 2014, one ing images to individuals and corporations, yourself effectively for client meetings
of my hobbies in particular took on a life and I joined a Canadian photography team and ensure you meet timelines. In both
of its own: photography. called OFFBEAT as an educator and in- worlds, the more you put in, the more you
On a whim I had decided to attend a structor. I currently write monthly wildlife will get out.
wildlife photography seminar I had seen photography articles for OFFBEAT, and I’ll When I’m out in the woods on a shoot,
advertised online. That seminar changed be traveling to Namibia, Africa, as a work- with no one else around, I feel completely
my life. As a child, I always loved animals shop instructor later this year. at peace and relaxed. Nature has a way of
and even thought I would become a vet. Managing my careers as both in-house setting my mind at ease, reminding me
Although my career path changed, my counsel and semi-professional wildlife not to sweat the small stuff. I try to keep
passion for animals never did. After at- photographer is at times diffcult but that feeling with me each morning as I
tending the seminar, I invested in a bet- defnitely worth it. Balancing a legal ca- head into the offce. ❚
ter camera and some quality lenses, and reer with a passion for photography has
began heading to the mountains almost helped me keep things in perspective.
every weekend. If I couldn’t make it as far I’ve also realized that a lot of the lessons Colleen gara is a corporate
as the Rockies (I live in Calgary), I would I’ve learned in wildlife photography can lawyer specializing in corporate
governance at Alberta Health
stay in the city and venture to a local park equally apply to my career in law. Services. She was awarded
or wetland area and photograph any ani- Both roles require a great deal of pa- an honourable mention in the
mal I could fnd. tience. Whether it’s hiding in a blind all 2016 Audubon Photography
Over the next year and a half, I lived morning waiting for an animal to appear Awards and her wildlife images
and breathed wildlife photography. I stud- or turning my mind to a complex legal have appeared in several publications worldwide,
ied the work of photographers I admired, problem, patience is key. Rushing the including Canadian geographic, Audubon, Wild-
I watched endless YouTube videos on how photo leads to a mediocre image just as Planet Photo and Nature’s Best. Find her at and on Instagram
to become a better photographer, and most rushing an answer leads to an incorrect at @colleengaraphoto.
importantly I practiced, practiced, prac- conclusion or unhappy clients.

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