Page 41 - CCCA 278683 Magazine_Spring 2018
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chain; and critical thinking in a world
of machines Vivene salmon in the communications feld. This back-
■ Celebrate the CCCA’s 30 Anniversary ground allows her to see “how different
at the largest gathering of in-house to be second- organizations function and ft together in
counsel in Canada ever in-house the broader community. it fosters an abil-
■ Make a difference in the global com- Counsel CbA ity to see how your puzzle piece fts into
munity as the CCCA works to tackle president the bigger picture.”
forced labour, labour traffcking and As for the big issues facing the legal pro-
illegal or harmful child labour in sup- Vivene Salmon, Vice-President, Coun- fession in the coming years, Vivene lists
ply chains try Compliance Manager, Global Bank- articling, diversity, A2j, Aboriginal and
Keynotes include Rosemary McCarney, ing and Markets Compliance at Bank indigenous affairs, entity regulation, and
Canadian Ambassador to the United Na- of America Merrill lynch, was recently mental health as some of the most impor-
tions, on the omnipresent issue of cy- acclaimed CBA Vice-President for the tant. She also believes technology and the
bersecurity; and Mark A. Cohen, global 2018-2019 year (meaning she’ll be CBA rise of non-lawyers providing legal services
thought leader and CEO of LegalMosaic, President in 2019-2020). There has only will continue to change the legal market.
on thriving in the ever-changing legal been one other in-house counsel to serve On the issue of diversity specifcally, Vi-
profession. as CBA President (Fred Headon in 2013- vene says, “i think increasing public
Finally, help celebrate the 2018 CCCA 2014), so this is exciting for the in-house awareness of diversity and equality in the
Awards winners and the release of the counsel community! legal profession is so important. The grow-
Universal Competencies Profle for in- Vivene decided to put her name forward for ing public understanding we have seen in
house counsel around the world. the position because she wants to see law- more recent years across the country is so
yers renew their relationship with the CBA. positive. it means that progress continues
participate for less “i feel i have gained so much on a personal to be made. it is critical that the voices and
■ Register before the early-bird deadline and professional front through my active work of all people are heard, valued and
of April 6 and save $100 participation in both the CBA and OBA. i respected in a democratic society. These
■ Lawyers registering in groups of three want to see other lawyers feel that the CBA are the values we uphold as a country and
or more each receive a $100 discount is a home—a safe place where they can as a profession. We cannot afford that they
on their full pass develop their leadership skills, grow as a be undermined. everyone should have an
■ Lawyers in career transition receive a lawyer, be engaged in and advocate for the equal opportunity to achieve their dreams
$400 discount on their full pass legal profession,” she explains. and be their best self.”
■ New lawyers (fewer than fve years called Vivene brings a unique set of experiences Finally, Vivene is most excited to be a part
to the bar) receive a $400 discount on to the role. She’s worked in both private of shaping and revitalizing the CBA for
their full pass and public sectors, and actually began future generations. CCCA Magazine looks
Learn more and register online at her career outside the legal profession, forward to following her success! ❚