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NATL61_006 03/08/2007 09:18 AM Page 6 From The President Esprit d’équipe Building Mot de la présidente community Un nouveau magazine marque un changement de direction A new CCCA magazine pour l’ACCJE. signals a new CCCA direction. by Sandra Swystun t is my great pleasure to introduce this premiere edition of the brand- ’est avec grand plaisir que je vous new CCCA Magazine—“Leading Corporate Counsel”. As president of présente ce premier numéro du Ithe Canadian Corporate Counsel Association, let me say a few words Cmagazine de l’ACCJE, élaboré et about this publication and how it advances the overall goals of the association’s mis en oeuvre pour favoriser l’avancement strategic direction. des objectifs globaux de la direction CCCA’s current business plan places a special emphasis on providing value to stratégique de l’Association. our members through enhanced services and more frequent communications. It Le nouveau plan d’affaire de l’Association aims to further develop our in-house counsel community, help foster their pro- vise, entre autres, à fournir à nos membres fessional excellence, enable advancements in their practices and careers, and help un meilleur service, des communications build the role and status of modern corporate counsel.Achievements made under sur une base régulière, à renforcer la collec- this new business plan will clearly establish both how and why CCCA is the tivité des conseillers juridiques d’entreprise unparalleled leader in professional support for corporate counsel in Canada. et à encourager l’excellence professionnelle. This magazine is a key element in that undertaking, serving as an in-depth S’inspirant de l’expertise des membres de analysis of the latest trends and developments affecting corporate Canada and its l’Association et de nos commanditaires et in-house lawyers. It will draw from the expertise of our members, our suppliers fort de nos relations internationales, ce ma- and sponsors, and our international relations, to name just a few.We are confi- gazine fera découvrir à ses lecteurs les dent that CCCA Magazine will be the indispensable practice companion for cor- dernières tendances et les derniers dévelop- porate counsel and will serve as a central point of community, communication pements susceptibles d’avoir une influence and collaboration for our members. sur l’entreprise canadienne et ses avocats- In this issue alone, we will explore how in-house lawyers are responding to the conseils.Dans ce premier numéro,par exem- latest compliance demands of regulators, discuss the growing importance of gener- ple, nous examinons comment les avocats de al counsel in the corporate hierarchy, describe the emerging climate-change issues contentieux s’adaptent aux exigences de that face businesses in the resource and energy sectors, and show how in-house gouvernance décrétées par les organismes de counsel are gaining the upper hand in cost-control measures with outside law firms. réglementation.On s’intéresse également à la CCCA Magazine, significant as it is, is just one part of a wide spectrum of progression de l’avocat-conseil au sein de la CCCA offerings by which members will be able to sharpen their practical knowl- hiérarchie corporative. edge and professional development.This year, a new wave of CLE programming Évidemment, l’Association offrira toute and the return of the Spring Training Camp for new corporate counsel and new une autre gamme de produits et services legal managers, reinforce the value of the CCCA’s regular events like the Spring (formation permanente, conférences du and Fall Conferences and nation-wide Chapter meetings. printemps et de l’automne) qui permet- Most importantly, however, is the magazine’s role in CCCA’s mission to build tront aux membres d’aiguiser leurs connais- a uniquely Canadian community of in-house lawyers. Only Canadian corporate sances pratiques et de parfaire leur counsel fully understand and appreciate the issues that are emerging from our développement professionnel. dynamic environment, and only a Canadian magazine can fully serve that con- Je suis convaincue que vous aprécierez ce stituency and address its interests. premier numéro et je vous invite à nous faire I’m sure you will enjoy this debut issue of CCCA Magazine, and I invite part de vos commentaires et suggestions your comments on the contents.Write to us with your feedback, suggestions, ( L’Association vous criticisms and compliments. This is your magazine and your association: the appartient : plus vous participerez, mieux more deeply you’re engaged with them, the better they—and we—will be. vous serez servi. Send your comments to Commentaires? 6 CCCA Canadian Corporate Counsel Association MARCH 2007