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CCCA62_056,057.qxd:CCCA_V1No2_Col-News-V1.qxd 09/14/2007 04:23 PM Page 56 CCCA News Here’s a quick look at the many activities and projects underway or coming soon from the Canadian Corporate Counsel Association. But first… Thank You to our 2006-2007 Board of Directors 2006 – 2007 CCCA Board of Directors Row (L-R): Donald Sword, Frank Giblon, Leanne Andree, Bruce Noble, Q.C., Conseil d’Administration 2006-2007 Sandra Swystun, Silvie Kuppek, Amee Sandhu, Jack Innes, Q.C. Absent: Back Row (L-R): Charles Gervais, Doug Kosloski, Antoinette Bozac, Barry Marianne Emig Munro, David Landrigan, Christine Leeming, Ian MacKay, Fisher, Sandy Jakab, Derek Patterson, Kerry Day, Q.C., Dean Scaletta Front Joan Moffat, Robert Patzelt, Q.C. Welcome to our 2007-2008 Board of Directors Bienvenue à notre conseil d’administration 2007-2008 Past President: Sandra Swystun, Corporate Counsel, Agricore United President: Bruce Noble, Q.C., City Solicitor, City of Fredericton CBA Representative: Wayne Onchulenko, Deborah Armour, Antoinette Bozac, Vice-President: J. Leanne Andree, Assistant Vice President & Senior Kevin Derbyshire, Cheryl Foy, Diana Galassi, Charles Gervais, Mary Ellen Counsel, Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Greenough, Fred Headon, Kari Horn, Glenn Kosak, François Lavallée, Deborah Treasurer: Derek Patterson, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary, ICBC- Pacholka, Amee Sandhu, Dean Scaletta, Catherine Smith, Donald Sword, Corporate Law Department Maria Tesla UPCOMING FALL EVENTS tions is the key to getting any deal done. date with the latest developments and hot CCCA offers unique CLE and management You will learn about the principal business topics in this critical area of practice for programs that provide the practical skills, expert and legal risks associated with mergers and corporate counsel. knowledge and professional network you need to acquisitions, how to manage those risks, Locations will include: add value to your practice.With the assistance of and how to protect your organization in a 18 October – Montreal, Mount Royal our law firm partners, consultants and suppliers, transaction if things start to go wrong. Club we continue to expand our line-up of Platinum Dates to be Confirmed 23 October – Calgary, Petroleum Club Series CLE seminars, Executive Management 31 October – London, London Club sessions and unique one-day conferences. Employment Law for the Small 8 November –Toronto, National Club and Mid-Size Law Department 8 November –Vancouver,Terminal Platinum CLE Series Presented with MillerThomson LLP City Club Risk Management in Mergers In most small and mid-size law depart- and Acquisitions ments, corporate counsel routinely spend Other CLE Events Presented with Osler,Hoskin & Harcourt LLP a significant amount of time on employ- Ultimate Corporate Counsel Conference Identifying, mitigating and managing the ment and labour law matters and human Presented with CCH Canadian Ltd. PHOTO B Y: transactional risks in mergers and acquisi- resources issues. Make sure you are up-to- Back by popular demand, this one-day 56 CCCA Canadian Corporate Counsel Association FALL 2007
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