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CCCA61_OFC.qxd:CCCA_V1No2_Cover-V1.qxd 02/07/2008 04:25 PM Page 1 CCCA CANADIAN CORPORATE COUNSEL ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE magazine DES CONSEILLERS (ÈRES) JURIDIQUES D’ENTREPRISES A CANADIAN BAR ASSOCIATION AFFILIATE AFFILIÉE À L’ASSOCIATION DU Leading Corporate Counsel • Le conseiller juridique d’entreprise – Droit devant BARREAU CANADIEN SPRING 2008 PRINTEMPS Volume 2, No. 1 Ethical questions: Ethical questions: when to blow the whistle when to blow the whistle Private equity: surmounting Private equity: surmounting the current credit crunch the current credit crunch Legal OnRamp...corporate counsel's Legal OnRamp...corporate counsel's new social networking option new social networking option GCs GCs on the on the front line Director of Intellectual front line Andrew Lew Property and Counsel Westport Innovations Inc. Vancouver Protecting intellectual property overseas PM 40070230 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Circulation Dept. One Mount Pleasant Road, 7th Flr. Toronto, ON M4Y 2Y5