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CCCA_V3No3_Dept-Performance-FIN.qxd:CCCA_V1No2_Dept-MgLaw-V1.qxd 9/16/09 9:53 PM Page 11 Performance In The Law Department tighter management measures. They tend to be responsible for balancing 2004,Cost Management Initiatives in 2008 Nine law departments responded to the workloads internally and with external and,more recently,a Demand Management inquiry on how many firms do 80 per cent counsel, as well as for all major projects, /Designated Counsel Initiative. Sean of their work.Two said only one firm did; sensitive matters,or if there are conflicts.It McMaster’s initial observation about the one said two firms did; another said three; appears as if it is the operational support findings was to find how all the law depart- four said four to six firms; and one said 12 work, rather than the strategic legal work, ments are thinking about similar issues and firms. Seven of nine respondents use only which comes directly to the lawyer from operate in a similar fashion. one to four firms for 80 per cent of their the business unit. In some departments, Other findings will be summarized in U.S. work. CLOs were invited to describe lawyers leading groups meet biweekly to future articles. when detailed matter budgets were review workloads and may be copied on obtained from external counsel and then matters which are referred directly to Richard G. Stock, were asked to provide the threshold levels members of the law department. M.A., FCIS, CMC and form taken in budgeting. Eight of the General counsel emphasize that healthy is a partner with companies require detailed estimates and communications in the law department are Catalyst Consulting. general budgets for all major transactions, the way to best manage workflows and The firm has been des- hearings and for litigation. Only two cited workloads. Practice teams supported by ignated by the specific financial thresholds for budgeting, robust tools such as e-billing, e-discovery, Canadian Corporate while almost all said that budgets were and contract management are in place Counsel Association as a Recognized Supplier required for all but general matters. with one department. Standardization of of Law Department Services Consulting. It is a Peaks and valleys occur in the work- work product and reference materials also Program Partner with the Australian Corporate loads of members of all law departments. save time. One department referred to a Lawyers Association. For law department strate- Most of the law departments have group succession of programs introduced over the gy that works, Richard can be contacted at (416) leaders, senior lawyers or a “legal lead.” last five years: a Client First Initiative in 367-4447 or at AUTOMNE 2009 CCCA Canadian Corporate Counsel Association 11