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CCCA_V3No4_PresMessage-FIN.qxd:CCCA_V1No2_PresMessage-V1.qxd 11/24/09 11:21 AM Page 5 From the President Doing more for you Mot du Président Plus de services The CCCA is adding more benefits and pour vous services for our growing membership. L’ACCJE redouble d’avantages et de services pour ses membres By Derek Patterson Par Derek Patterson CCA is experiencing continued membership growth. In spite of the challenging n dépit de la conjoncture économique, economy,we have surpassed the 10,500-member mark:We have added more than l’ACCJE compte désormais plus de C2,400 members over the past three years. E10 500 membres, 2 400 d’entre eux During the same time period, we also added many more benefits and services for our s’étant ajoutés au cours des trois dernières members, and are looking to add even more. Space permits me to outline only a few of années, une période caractérisée par une aug- these initiatives, including, most recently, completion of the inaugural and groundbreak- mentation des avantages et des services offerts ing CCCA In-House Counsel Compensation & Career Survey.This survey compliments aux membres. Parmi ceux-ci, mentionnons le CCCA’s annual In-House Corporate Counsel Barometer Survey. récent sondage sur la rémunération des con- Plans are well in hand for the upcoming National Spring Conference;the second round seillers juridiques d’entreprise & sur la carrière. of our highly successful mentoring program is under way and members continue to ben- La planification de la conférence annuelle de e efit from enhanced, and, where applicable, accredited CLE offerings. Our strong and printemps va bon train; le 2 programme de growing relationships with global sister corporate counsel associations are proving invalu- mentorat est enclenché et nos membres conti- able to members who have, or would like to initiate, international business relationships. nuent de bénéficier de FJP.Notre relation solide CCCA is also looking to revisit our agreement with the Canadian Bar Association. It et évolutive avec des associations jumelles est is important to note that the agreement dates back to a time period prior to CCCA’s d’une valeur inestimable pour nos membres. recent — and continuing — incredible membership growth and therefore, reflects the L’ACCJE envisage aussi de réviser son activity level of the past. entente avec l’Association du Barreau canadien Today however, the situation has changed: as stated, CCCA continues to add more ben- pour faire valoir la croissance de son nombre efits and services and going forward,we have many more ideas and services we want to pur- d’adhérents. sue.We are looking to flow a greater share of membership fees directly to CCCA to ensure Par ailleurs, j’aimerais souhaiter la bienvenue that corporate counsel needs continue to be met and we exceed members’ expectations. à notre nouveau trésorier, Kati Horn, avocat- On another topic, I would like to welcome our new treasurer, Kari Horn, general conseil général chez l’Alberta Securities counsel at theAlberta Securities Commission.A hearty welcome also to new board mem- Commission. J’accueille aussi chaleureusement bers: KjeltiWilkes Kellough,director,corporate counsel,iStockphoto,as regional director, les nouveaux membres du conseil. Alberta; Barbara Munroe, senior counsel, Imperial Oil Limited, as regional director, L’ACCJE favorise les occasions de réseau- Alberta; and Ray Dean, senior vice-president, general counsel & corporate secretary, tage, notamment par l’intermédiaire de notre Viterra Inc., as regional director, Saskatchewan, NorthwestTerritories & Nunavut. Sommet mondial qui a eu lieu en janvier 2009 CCCA is helping to facilitate networking opportunities emanating from our sold-out à guichets fermés. Nous sommes ravis de vous inaugural World Summit held in January 2009. Looking forward, in response to numer- annoncer que le second Sommet mondial se ous inquiries, we are delighted to announce that CCCA’s second World Summit will be déroulera à Toronto du 26 au 28 septembre held in Toronto on September 26-28, 2010. Please mark your calendars.We hope to see 2010. Inscrivez cet événement dans vos agen- you there. das. Nous espérons vous y rencontrer. Send your comments to Commentaires? An affilate of / Affiliée à ROGERS PUBLISHING LTD. Subscription enquiries should be addressed to/ Business & Professional Publishing Pour les questions concernant l’abonnement, Senior Vice-President veuillez communiquer avec : John Milne Debbie Walsh — CCCA/ACCJE One Mount Pleasant Road, 7th Floor Business & Professional Publishing CANADIAN CORPORATE COUNSEL ASSOCIATION Executive Director/Directrice exécutive ISSN No. 1913-0562, Vice-President Toronto, ON, M4Y 2Y5. Silvie Kuppek: Publications Mail Agreement Paul Williams L’ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE DES Our environmental policy is available at: CONSEILLERS(ÈRES) JURIDIQUES D’ENTREPRISES Managing Editor/Rédactrice administrative No. 40070230. 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