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CCCA_V3No4_EDMessage-FIN.qxd:CCCA_V1No2_EDMessage-V1.qxd 11/24/09 11:23 AM Page 7 From the Executive Director Compensation Mot de la directrice exécutive Sondage sur la survey adds up rémunération : une to great value valeur ajoutée By Silvie Kuppek Par Silvie Kuppek s this issue of CCCA Magazine goes to press, CCCA is proudly unveiling our ’ACCJE est fière de dévoiler son sondage sur Ainaugural CCCA In-House Counsel Compensation & Career Survey 2009. Lla rémunération des conseillers juridiques This is a highly anticipated survey that is warmly welcomed by our CCCA community. d’entreprise & sur la carrière 2009.Ce sondage est Our members want, and need, to be able to access current Canadian information très attendu par la communauté de l’ACCJE. about what is happening in our in-house counsel compensation world. Par l’intermédiaire de ce sondage réalisé en I am proud that through this survey,done in partnership withThe Counsel Network, partenariat avecThe Counsel Network et compilé and compiled by Ipsos Reid, CCCA is providing another sought-after benefit to our par Ipsos Reid, l’ACCJE fournit un bénéfice qui growing number of services for in-house counsel. s’ajoute aux services dispensés aux conseillers As the survey shows,a majority of in-house counsel are optimistic about the future of juridiques d’entreprise. their legal department or their own professional prospects.In fact,66 per cent are some- Comme l’indique le sondage rempli par 1 095 what to very optimistic about their department’s future and 58 per cent are somewhat conseillers juridiques d’entreprise à travers le to very optimistic about what the future holds in store for them. Canada,66 % des conseillers juridiques d’entreprise That’s just one of the fascinating findings of this survey, completed by 1,095 in-house se disent plutôt ou très optimistes concernant le counsel from across Canada. It suggests that corporate counsel continue to find profes- futur de leur profession et 58 % se disent plutôt ou sional satisfaction despite the challenging work environment.And that’s good news. très optimistes de ce que le futur leur réserve. One of the important points about this inaugural survey is that it helps us to target where L’un des aspects cruciaux révélés par ce sondage more information gathering is required. For example, the survey exposes an information est qu’il identifie certaines lacunes information- gap that makes it difficult for corporate counsel to benchmark how they are faring in terms nelles. Selon le sondage, les conseillers juridiques of compensation. Salary, benefits and incentive programs are cited as the most important d’entreprise tous niveaux confondus ne disposent factors in deciding whether to make a career move (promotion comes second and greater pas d’information sur les normes de rémunération responsibility is third).According to the survey, however, counsel at all levels of seniority en vigueur. don’t have much information about compensation standards in the marketplace. Even Voici quelques résultats du sondage : across industries,lawyers don’t know whether their compensation is average or fair. • Le salaire de base moyen pour un conseiller As you will read inside, the survey found: juridique d’entreprise au Canada est de 146 000 $. • The average base salary for in-house counsel in Canada is $146,000,with senior coun- Un conseiller principal gagne en moyenne sel earning an average of $142,500 and general counsel at the executive level earning 142 500 $ et un avocat-conseil général cadre reçoit an average base salary of $204,000; un salaire de base moyen de 204 000 $; • 84 per cent of senior counsel and 88 per cent of general counsel at the executive level • 84 % des conseillers juridiques principaux et 88 % are eligible for a bonus/incentive program;42 and 52 per cent,respectively,are eligible des avocats-conseils généraux cadres sont éligibles for stock options or long-term incentive plans; à un bonus/programme incitatif; 42 et 52 % • Salary increases of in-house counsel are comparable to those of Canadian executives respectivement sont éligibles à des options d’achat and managers, according to Ipsos’ Build a Better Workplace Survey; at the same time, d’actions ou à des plans incitatifs à long terme; the proportion of in-house counsels with no salary increase in the current fiscal year • Les augmentations de salaire des conseillers jumped from 26 per cent to 41 per cent. juridiques d’entreprise sont comparables à celles These numbers give a broad outline of how corporate counsel are faring in the mar- des cadres et des gestionnaires canadiens. ketplace. But more importantly, it establishes a baseline we can build on to create a tool Voilà enfin une référence sur la rémunération to help in-house counsel assess career opportunities and benchmark their progress. It’s utile pour nos membres! Pour en savoir davantage the kind of value-added initiative that members have come to expect from their associ- à ce sujet, consultez notre site Web au ation. To explore it in more detail, visit our website at, puis cliquez sur and click to link to our Survey page. le lien vers nos sondages. Send your comments to Commentaires? HIVER 2009 CCCA Canadian Corporate Counsel Association 7