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CCCA_V3No4_Dept-Performance-FIN.qxd:CCCA_V1No2_Dept-MgLaw-V1.qxd 11/23/09 9:14 PM Page 9 Performance In The Law Department strategic guidance and executive contribu- including in-sourcing acquisition and time than ever to identify progressive prac- tions. For others, the growth in compli- divestiture work, project construction tices and to customize them without ance, governance and risk management work; “overdosing” on programs and initiatives. activity has been significant. Only one • head office location; There is no need to wait for company- cited an expanded gatekeeping role and a • opportunities to move into business roles; wide policies or new resources before greater emphasis on expense management. • a sabbatical program; acting. Focused conversations with other Noteworthy was one instance of increased • performance-driven compensation; CLOs yield practical advice and cost- accountability for certain business results. • flexible work arrangements; free resources. Most CLOs anticipate no major changes • reduction in the number of external to responsibilities over the next two years. firms, electronic billing; Richard G. Stock, One mentioned that much time would • deploying specialties across the company, M.A., FCIS, CMC need to be invested with a new CEO over not only to their primary business units; is a partner with the next one to two years. • training and better co-ordination through Catalyst Consulting. The most effective initiatives in the conference calls. The firm has been acquisition and / or deployment of legal The articles summarizing this bench- designated by the resources constitute a long list: marking survey demonstrate that there is Canadian Corporate Counsel Association as • structuring of the department on a de- significant innovation in how law depart- a Recognized Supplier of Law Department centralized basis worldwide and building ments remain effective. Department struc- Services Consulting. It is a Program Partner team spirit; tures, processes, and results are adjusted to with the Australian Corporate Lawyers • clear policies to manage the use and allo- address the company’s business realities and Association. For law department strategy that cation of legal resources; the general economic environment. Law works, Richard can be contacted at (416) • exciting opportunities for existing work, department leadership must invest more 367-4447 or at HIVER 2009 CCCA Canadian Corporate Counsel Association 9 CCCA64_009.indd 1 11/27/2009 11:47:38 AM
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