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CCCA_V4No3_PresMessage-FIN.qxd:CCCA_V1No2_PresMessage-V1.qxd 9/2/10 7:24 AM Page 7 From the President High performance, Mot de la Présidente Haute performance, high integrity avec intégrité How CCCA can help you succeed. L’ACCJE a les ressources qui peuvent vous aider à connaître du succès. By Cheryl Foy Par Cheryl Foy s this issue of CCCA Magazine goes to press, we are hard at work preparing for ous préparons assidûment le prochain Sommet Athe upcoming CCCA Corporate Counsel World Summit to be held in Toronto Nmondial des conseillers de l’ACCJE prévu à in September. Toronto en septembre. As with many of CCCA’s ongoing and evolving services, benefits and initiatives — Il soulignera la nature mondiale du rôle du con- in-person and online — the Summit highlights the global nature of the in-house coun- seiller juridique de même que plusieurs des services, sel role. avantages et initiatives offerts en ligne ou en person- These CCCA initiatives provide our members with valuable high-quality opportuni- ne par l’ACCJE. ties to expand our expertise and toolkits,through accredited courses.Moreover,they pro- Ces initiatives de l’association fournissent à nos vide us with global insights into how the role of the in-house counsel is evolving and how membres des occasions de développer notre expertise we can best leverage our value to help our organizations succeed. et nos trousses à outils par des cours accrédités. Les For example, one of the speakers at the CCCA Corporate CounselWorld Summit is perspectives mondiales de l’évolution du rôle du con- Benjamin W. Heineman Jr., author of the excellent and inspiring book High Performance seiller juridique d’entreprise et de l’optimisation de sa with High Integrity. valeur pour son organisation sont également offertes. A former senior vice-president-general counsel and senior vice-president for Law and BenjaminW.Heineman Jr.,auteur de l’excellent et Public Affairs at General Electric,Heineman,as the book title suggests,marries high per- inspirant ouvrage High Performance with High Integrity, formance with high integrity, and offers a blueprint with practical principles and prac- sera conférencier. L’ancien vice-président principal tices toward attaining this goal. des affaires publiques et juridiques de General I read Heineman's book when I was a sole in-house counsel moving into a senior posi- Electric offre des conseils pour combiner haute per- tion at Tundra Semiconductor Corporation. It has greatly influenced my thinking and formance et haute intégrité. reminded me,once again,that as in-house lawyers,we have the obligation to ensure that Cette œuvre a considérablement influencé mes we understand our organizations. Moreover, we have the obligation to ensure that we are réflexions, et m’a rappelé que les avocats d’entreprise highly involved in our organizations. ont l’obligation de comprendre leurs organisations et de s’impliquer. CCCA outstanding resources and networking À Tundra et en tant que secrétaire et avocate- During my time at Tundra, and now as University Secretary and General Counsel at conseil à l’Université Carleton, il m’est apparu de Carleton University, it has become clearer and clearer to me, that, as in-house counsel, plus en clair qu’un avocat ne doit pas fonctionner en we cannot go it alone. vase clos. CCCA has provided me with almost unlimited access to resources and tools,as well as L’ACCJE m’a donné un accès pratiquement illimité a global network of peers from whom I can gain additional expertise. It's why I have à ses ressources et outils de même qu’à un réseau mon- become so involved, so committed to CCCA. dial de pairs qui peuvent améliorer mon expertise. The CCCA Corporate CounselWorld Summit is one example of the rapidly expand- Le Sommet mondial est un parfaitexemple de cela. ing initiatives CCCA is undertaking.Armed with these resources,we can aim to achieve Équipés de ces ressources, nous pouvons viser à Heineman’s high performance with high integrity. atteindre la haute performance de Heineman. Send your comments to Commentaires? An affilate of / Affiliée à ROGERS PUBLISHING LTD. Subscription enquiries should be addressed to/ Business & Professional Publishing Pour les questions concernant l’abonnement, Senior Vice-President veuillez communiquer avec : John Milne Debbie Walsh — CCCA/ACCJE One Mount Pleasant Road, 7th Floor Business & Professional Publishing CANADIAN CORPORATE COUNSEL ASSOCIATION Executive Editor/Rédactrice exécutive ISSN No. 1913-0562, Vice-President Toronto, ON, M4Y 2Y5. Beverley Spencer: Publications Mail Agreement Paul Williams L’ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE DES Our environmental policy is available at: CONSEILLERS(ÈRES) JURIDIQUES D’ENTREPRISES Managing Editor/Rédacteur administratif No. 40070230. 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