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CANADIAN CORPORATE CCCA COUNSEL ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE magazine DES CONSEILLERS (ÈRES) JURIDIQUES D’ENTREPRISES CCCA IS A CBA CONFERENCE L’ACCJE EST UNE Table of Contents Leading Corporate Counsel • Le conseiller juridique d’entreprise – Droit devant CONFÉRENCE DE L’ABC FALL 2011 AUTOMNE Volume 5, No. 3 5 From the Editor Leadership models for a changing world. 7 From the Chair Corporate counsel deserves a voice which reflects their prominence in the profession. 43 Deals & Developments A look at some of the deals, acquisitions and financings that took place over the last several months. 48 CCCA News Geoffrey Creighton takes the helm as CCCA’s 2011-2012 Chair. Introducing CCCA’s new executive director Cathy Cummings and her staff. Features 20 20 Better board meetings How to communicate effectively with the board of directors. By Pablo Fuchs Cover photography by Paul Eekhoff 28 The value of metrics An inside look at how one law department demonstrates its contribution to the organization. By Bev Cline 36 Making the switch Understanding the new ground rules for the transition to International Financial Reporting Standards By Luis Millan 28 Departments 9 Performance in the Law Department Managing human resources with performance management programs. By Richard G. Stock 12 Ethics: Anti-bribery legislation Canada finally gets serious in the fight against international bribery. 36 By ChristaWessel 14 Business immigration law Tips for corporate counsel on Trade NAFTA status for Canadian citizens. By Heather Michelin 16 Profile: Terrie-Lynne Devonish Recognized as one of Canada’s ‘Top 40 under 40’, the chief counsel for Aon Canada Inc. is a role model for a new generation. By Michael Dempster Legal Update 54 The Canada Consumer Product Safety Act Businesses need a plan to survive scrutiny of new consumer legislation. By Paul Fruitman 16 AUTOMNE 2011 CCCA Canadian Corporate Counsel Association 3
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