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From The Editor The leader Mot de la rédactrice exécutive Le leader in the mirror en puissance How to grow your sphere of influence. Comment accroître votre sphère d’influence. By Beverley Spencer Par Beverley Spencer f you are seeking an example of leadership, look no further than our profile i vous recherchez un modèle de Ieader, l’avocate en Isubject,Terrie-Lynne Devonish, chief counsel of Aon Canada Inc. Schef chez Aon Canada,Terrie-Lynne Devonish, a le One of Canada’s recent Top 40 under 40, an honour which recognizes out- profil idéal. Elle s’est récemment distinguée comme l’une standing leadership by men and women who are shaping this country’s future,she des 40 meilleures personnes de moins de 40 ans en recon- is a dedicated community volunteer,professional mentor and a key player onAon’s naissance pour son leadership remarquable. Elle est égale- senior management team.As a mentor, she inspires through example, making a ment bénévole zélée, mentore et intervenante clé dans special effort to connect with marginalized youth early in their career and open l’équipe de haute direction d’Aon. their eyes to their potential. As she told writer Michael Dempster:“I’ve always Lorsque la rédactrice en chef de Huffington, Arianna believed if someone has an ability but doesn’t know it, they just need one person Huffington, a pris la parole lors de la conférence annuelle to tell them that they can or show them there’s a way.Then you can absolutely de l’ABC en août au sujet du leadership, elle pensait à des change a life.” individus commeTerrie-Lynne Devonish.Les fondements When Huffington Post editorArianna Huffington spoke to CBA’s annual con- du leadership sont le tempérament et la persévérance;c’est ference in August about leadership, she was thinking about people like Terrie- la peur de l’échec qui empêche les gens d’atteindre leur Lynne Devonish.Leadership is rooted in character,tenacity and perseverance;it is potentiel de leadership à son avis.Le modèle de leadership fear of failure, she said, that prevents many people from reaching their own lead- du futur est caractérisé par la capacité de résilience et l’ac- ership potential.The leadership model for the future — in politics,the boardroom ceptation du risque. Cela implique également de cerner or the law — involves having the courage to take risks,fail,and get back up again. les grandes tendances qui touchent le monde des affaires It also means being able to identify the megatrends that are affecting business or ou la société et d’amorcer des changements avant d’être society and making changes before change is forced upon you — in other words, forcé à le faire; bref, « de voir l’iceberg avant qu’il ne having the ability “to see the iceberg before it hits theTitanic.” heurte leTitanic ». Corporate counsel are leaders at the organizational level. One of their most Les conseillers juridiques sont des leaders-nés dans l’or- important roles is identifying the icebergs in the paths of their own companies. ganisation. En effet, l’un de leurs rôles essentiels est d’y Spotting the litigation,legislative and other kinds of legal risks embedded in busi- voir l’iceberg.Ils doivent,entre autres,détecter les litiges et ness plans, and recommending solutions, is a key way of providing leadership and autres types de risques juridiques figurant dans les plans adding value to the organization. But it’s not the only one. d’affaires et recommander des solutions. Showing leadership can mean mentoring a young lawyer who needs encour- Démontrer du leadership,c’est aussi être le mentor d’un agement to reach his or her potential, in so doing bringing benefits to both the jeune avocat ou faire preuve de vision pour déterminer les individual and the organization. Or it might mean having the vision to see that stratégies à améliorer même si elles sont contraires à la strategies that once worked needed to be revised, even if it means going against pensée conventionnelle. conventional wisdom. Comme l’a fait remarquer Arianna Huffington, tout le As Huffington pointed, everyone has leadership potential within.Tapping into monde a le potentiel d’être un leader. L’acquisition de ce that potential can enhance personal effectiveness and make a difference to a proj- talent peut augmenter l’efficacité individuelle et même ect, a career or an organization. In some cases, it can even change a life. changer sa propre vie. Send your comments to Commentaires? A conference of / Une conférence de ROGERS PUBLISHING LTD. Subscription enquiries should be addressed to/ Executive Publisher Pour les questions concernant l’abonnement, Financial Services Group veuillez communiquer avec : Garth Thomas Debbie Walsh — CCCA/ACCJE One Mount Pleasant Road, 7th Floor Toronto, ON, M4Y 2Y5. CANADIAN CORPORATE COUNSEL ASSOCIATION Executive Editor/Rédactrice exécutive ISSN No. 1913-0562, HEALTHCARE & FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP Beverley Spencer: Publications Mail Agreement L’ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE DES Publisher Our environmental policy is available at: CONSEILLERS(ÈRES) JURIDIQUES D’ENTREPRISES Senior Editor/Rédacteur principal No. 40070230. Return Stefanie MacDonald (416) 764-3911 410-20 Toronto Street, Yves Faguy: Undeliverable Canadian environmental.htm Toronto, ON, M5C 2B8 Associate Editor/Rédactrice associé Addresses to: Production Manager Vous pouvez consulter notre politique de l’environ- Tel.: (416) 869-0522 Fax: (416) 869-0946 Katya Hodge : Circulation Dept., One Mount Karen Richards (416) 764-1688 nement à : e-mail: Art Director/Directeur artistique Pleasant Rd, 7th flr. Toronto, ON, Tony Delitala: M4Y 2Y5 environmental.htm This magazine is printed with vegetable inks and Chair/Président Designer/Conceptrice graphique is 100% recyclable where facilities exist. Geoff Creighton: Rozalynd Taylor-Platt: Recyclable là où le service est offert. AUTOMNE 2011 CCCA Canadian Corporate Counsel Association 5