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CCCA_V6No4_Col-News-FIN_CCCA 11/26/12 5:40 PM Page 49 Call for Mentors Nouvelles de l’ACCJE CCCA Mentoring Program: Counsel Guiding Counsel — The Path to Excellence. re you thinking about becoming a go from here? How do I continue to grow meetings with your mentee can take what- A“mentor” in CCCA’s mentoring and develop, personally and professionally? ever form works for the two of you, and program? In addition to major urban Occasionally,a mentee has called me with a each meeting provides you with the oppor- centres, we are seeking mentors repre- delicate management or ethical issue. tunity to hear fresh new ideas and perspec- senting all parts of Canada, especially As a mentor, I tend to listen and ask tives from bright legal minds.Your commit- the Atlantic provinces and the North. questions. We talk about professional ment includes making the time for the We are successfully utilizing new tech- strengths and weaknesses, interests and dis- meeting, and importantly, listening careful- nology, including Skype, to overcome likes,experience and expertise and the gaps ly to understand the issues well enough to geographic gaps and facilitate the trans- that should be filled in, and work/life bal- draw on your own experience. fer of knowledge. ance goals.We tend to discuss external fac- While you may discuss specific legal issues, Here’s what several current CCCA men- tors, as well: where the likely personal and my experience suggests that the mentees tors say about their mentoring experiences: professional growth opportunities are in really want to know how to manage and light of the skill set, as well as career and grow within the corporate structure. For personal goals.Sometimes we discuss a very example, how to develop long and short- career-specific question, evaluating the pros term goals and yearly objectives, manage and cons of a new job opportunity. conflict,and develop meeting or presentation skills to effectively communicate with their business client.They want to know what has worked for you, as well as what has not. You may not always have the answers but it's likely that somewhere in your career you have seen the situation or experienced the challenge. It’s great when your mentee reports back that he or she has made Riccardo Trecroce, vice-president progress with long-term goals or has suc- & general counsel, North America, cessfully addressed the issue at hand. The Magna International Inc., is current- mentoring program may only last for six ly acting as a mentor for the fourth months,but the relationships that you build time. Heather Innes, Counsel, Global with your mentee become long-term pro- Process Leader, International Trade fessional relationships and friendships. I have acted as a mentor for several Law, General Motors, is currently younger lawyers, as part of the CCCA mentoring her fourth mentee. MARK YOUR CALENDARS: program and outside the program. I have CCCA National Spring Conference always found the experience rewarding. It is a real privilege working with the April 14-16, 2013:Toronto Based on the situation,participating in the CCCA Mentoring Program. It is a well- This year's conference will include spe- CCCA mentoring program usually in- organized program that gives volunteer cial events to celebrate CCCA’s 25 Years volves two or three in-person meetings mentors the opportunity to meet tomor- of In-House Excellence. and a couple of telephone calls over a few row’s corporate leaders. Mentees are months depending on the mentee’s needs. young, motivated, in-house counsel who NEW! CCCA National LinkedIn Group Every mentee is unique, with his or her have the foresight and are prepared to take (Exclusive to CCCA Members) own set of skills,experience and aspirations. the time to ask for suggestions and advice. CCCA’s LinkedIn Group,exclusive to CCCA But almost all mentees are asking them- Acting as a mentor does not demand a members, provides an online community for selves the same questions:Where should I huge time commitment. Regular monthly discussion,sharing of ideas and networking. HIVER 2012 CCCA Canadian Corporate Counsel Association 49
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