Page 14 - CCCA 226419 Magazine Fall 2014
P. 14
{ ProFile } “ Young people, early in their careers, need to ‘suck up’ as much experience as they can. T ere’s time later on to make choices ” about what a person’s most interested in and then set out on that path. springboard divers, they’ve made new the companies involved for 25-plus years. they can. There’s time later on to make friends through the sport. But her hus- And so you have to negotiate in a different choices about what a person’s most inter- band Craig Young, an engineer, trans- way and f nd that solution. It’s not always ested in and then set out on that path. ferred seamlessly with his company and directly right in front of you. You have to Personally, Healy’s enjoyed an ad- works full-time. hunt for it. That’s the challenge, trying to venture every step of the way. At 16 she Four thousand kilometres from St. John’s f nd that. I really love that.” learned the value of moving far away and a world away in weather—“it’s always Today, she’s highly energized when her from comfortable St. John’s, a great place nice here”—Healy feels at home in Hous- team delivers on deals that are sustainable to grow up and live but somewhat “iso- ton. “People look after their communi- and well done because her people had the lated,” to go to Pearson College. It proved ties, after their friends. They give a lot of space, freedom and skills to make it hap- the perfect environment for a young brain time. There’s a huge volunteer charitable pen. “I don’t know if I’m getting older, or ready to absorb new ideas. “It was fantas- commitment that happens in Houston more mature, but that really inspires me. tic to get the perspective of people from that I don’t know I was aware of when I It gets me all excited, f red up.” so many places. You get a different sense moved here.” Healy, who spends many weekends of your place in the world or who you are Healy says that culturally the U.S. is travelling in Texas to diving meets, plays in relation to the world.” very much a pull-yourself-up-by-your- piano and f ute in her spare time and Even small things, like setting the ther- bootstraps kind of culture, particularly also gives back. A former “Top 40 Under mostat, had an impact. “You have a room- in the southern U.S. “That permeates 40” in Canada, she sits on Pearson Col- mate from the far north and you have one everything here. There’s less of a faith in lege’s board of directors, enjoys speaking who is from Africa and freezing all the delivery of these things by government to groups in Houston, and gave the key- time. You are trying to f gure out a way and more sense that people should just do note address at the CCCA’s luncheon in to make everybody happy. That provided them on their own.” St. John’s in August as part of the CBA practical experience in communicating At Statoil, Healy leads and manages a Legal Conference. She’s often asked about and getting along with people.” team of about 30 people seeking oil and career choices and changes she’s made. Now in Houston and relishing a new gas opportunities in North America and “For me, the early guidance I got from culture and work challenge, Healy’s doing the transactions. A small drawback a mentor, and it seems obvious, but you “blessed” to have a husband and kids who is that she’s no longer the one piecing to- have to enjoy what you’re doing. I have accepted a major change in their lives gether intricate agreements that always to be challenged. I grow bored. I need to for her career. And if an opportunity to motivated her. have something new. You have to under- transfer internationally arose? The family “If you are negotiating for an oil and stand what motivates you at work. Then if would sit down and f gure it out together, gas deal, it’s not like trying to buy a car you f nd opportunities that feed that, you she says. That’s how the deal works. ❚ where you’re negotiating for a big win,” need to take them.” she explains. “There is going to be a re- Young people, early in their careers, lationship between the government and need to “suck up” as much experience as Michael Dempster is a writer based in Calgary. 14 CCCa Magazine | Fall 2014 autoMne