Page 10 - CCCA 226419 Magazine Fall 2014
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{ strategiC MaNageMeNt } essentIal elements oF the eFFectIVe general counsel By Cathy Cummings “Have a deep EO panelists Robert Hanf, ICD.D, team that will ultimately have the reward from Nova Scotia Power Inc. and payoff of having the legal team viewed as and profound cRobert Patzelt, QC, from New Mil- a value creation team rather than a cost lennium Iron, could not have been clearer centre,” explained Patzelt. understanding of about what your organization’s executive If you have a strategy that builds trust team want from you, as in-house counsel. and works with other business units on the organization Solid understanding was the consistent routine matters, you will be embedded in message throughout the session, “Unspo- processes early. You will be not be viewed you serve!” ken Expectations: What Does your CEO as a bottleneck or a naysayer—which is Want from You?”, at the CBA Legal Con- sometimes the unfortunate perception of ference in August. the legal team. It may seem cliché but you But how do you get to this point? How want the legal team to be seen as an op- do you meet expectations you might not portunity for solution, focusing on what even be aware of? the organization can do, rather than what As lawyers, we believe we understand it can’t. The importance of being aware of our role within an organization, but our the business side of things in legal matters non-lawyer colleagues often have differ- cannot be underestimated. ent assumptions about our responsibili- Along this vein, Stock recommended ties. According to panelist Richard Stock the legal team reach out to other busi- of Catalyst Consulting, in too many cases, ness units to help in planning, though it those expectations remain unspoken be- may take a fairly invasive conversation cause the legal department does not have to determine what they need in the up- a business plan or performance targets. To coming year. However, often “unclaimed demonstrate its real value, General Coun- territory” is identifed through such con- sel should defne at least half a dozen criti- versations, and Patzelt recommended you cal success factors for the legal department “run towards the most messed up areas” and execute a plan to meet those factors. because that is where you can have the Our CEO panelists added that internal maximum impact. lawyers must have a deliberate and proac- “Think of every new piece of legisla- tive methodology for getting involved in tion as an opportunity to interact and the business. While it may be diffcult to inform,” counseled Hanf. As part of the fnd the time to take this extra step, it is executive committee, General Counsel worth it in the long run to become more can be a communications conduit, set- of a strategic partner and business advi- ting the tone from the top, and the rest sor, rather than solely a legal advisor. “You of the legal team can work with other could view it as a public relations exercise business units to implement and comply in reference to yourself and your legal with new legislation. 10 CCCa Magazine | Fall 2014 autoMne