Page 11 - CCCA 226419 Magazine Fall 2014
P. 11
{ strategiC MaNageMeNt } (L to R) Panelists Robert Hanf, ICD.D, and Richard Stock, with (L to R) Panelists Robert Patzelt, QC, and Robert Hanf, ICD.D moderator Geoffrey Creighton Geoffrey D. Creighton of IGM Finan-“ Communication with the CEO is a skillset all of its own. Sometimes the CEO It is worth it in the long run to become has mere minutes to make a decision. You more of a strategic partner and business must have your elevator speech ready, hit- ting only the highpoints, or pinch points, advisor, rather than solely a legal advisor. so those decisions are informed. cial, moderator of the session, reminded ” us that sometimes physical proximity work both within and outside of the com- The panelists likened such situations can help in discussions with the CEO. pany. According to Hanf, “There is no bet- to a river. It f ows in a certain direction, He recommends taking a smaller off ce ter enhancement of your skills than doing but there may be several eddies of activity, closer to the CEO if you have a choice, charitable work.” It gives you an opportu- a nice sandy shoal of complacency, and a as physical proximity will provide more nity to interact with people you might not cliff and rapids along the way. The hidden opportunities for casual conversations. normally work with and build relation- agendas are the undercurrents you have to Since many CEOs believe in the theory ships that can be useful in the long term. It beware of. You need to take the time to get of “management by walking around,” also makes the legal team more approach- the information you need and view hid- make it easy for them to connect with able, which may break down hidden barri- den agendas as leadership opportunities. you regularly. ers you did not even realize were there. If you have a deep and profound un- Finding the right balance between legal Finally, understanding strategic im- derstanding of the organization you serve, and business requires constant recalibra- peratives to uncover hidden agendas was a clear line of communication with your tion and includes letting go of some of the a heated topic of discussion and one that CEO and high value-added working re- legal training that made you successful in participants could relate to. All felt they lationships with the business units you the f rst place. “A perfect decision is use- had at some point run across a situation serve, you will able to navigate the river, less if not on time” is one of Patzelt’s fa- where they had to ask, “Whose project is undercurrents and all. ❚ vourite sayings. this really?”, “What are we expecting the Another piece of advice from our es- outcomes to be?”, and “Is there any leader- teemed panelists: Participate in charitable ship of this initiative?” Cathy Cummings is the Executive Director of the CCCA. Canadian Corporate Counsel assoCiation | 11
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