Page 3 - CCCA 226419 Magazine Fall 2014
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{ Header title goes Here } ccca In thIs Issue… magazIne Fall 2014 automne | Vol 8, n . 3 o is published quarterly by Features canadIan corporate counsel assocIatIon 18 Managing risk across Borders: the evolving role of general Counsel l’assocIatIon canadIenne des increasing globalization with the corresponding complexity of regulatory oversight are conseIllers(Ères) JurIdIQues d’entreprIses demanding change from in-house counsel. How do you balance the legal issues with the 1210 – 20 toronto Street compliance issues to ensure international success? By Jennifer Lewington toronto, ON M5c 2b8 tel: 416-869-0522 Fax: 416-869-0946 24 Closing the Ballot Box on empty Voting Email: empty voting has gained the attention of regulators because of its implication to a ccca chaIR / PRéSIDENtE DE l’accJE fundamental principle of corporate governance. While some organizations are advocating heather Innes: for legislative changes, opinions are divided on how widespread the issue is and how MaNaGING EDItOR / RéDactRIcE EN chEF to resolve it. By Jim Middlemiss lynne Yryku: aSSOcIatE EDItOR / RéDactRIcE aSSOcIéE Karen Sadler: 30 in-House: Become the Client You are DESIGN / cONcEPtION aRtIStIQuE the recently released CBa Futures report outlines how in-house counsel are drivers of hume Media Inc. change, as they look for more information on legal services, more involvement in decision- 2014 EDItORIal bOaRD making and more cost effciencies. By Kim Covert Jim Rossiter (chair/Président) leila Gosselin Sébastien Guénette Simon Kupi columns departments Julia Shin Doi ISSN No. 1913-0562, 5 From the editor in-house counsel in all 8 Performance in the law department Publications Mail agreement industries need to stay on top of the latest Convert the legal department’s work into No. 40070230. cross-border issues and legal trends. fgures to satisfy those keen on measuring Return undeliverable canadian addresses to: its contribution. By Richard Stock circulation Dept., One Mount Pleasant Rd, 7th Floor, toronto, ON M4Y 2Y5 7 From the Chair With its new vision and mission, CCCa reaffrms it commitment to 10 strategic Management Meet the members. executive team’s unspoken expectations by understanding the business and rogers puBlIshIng ltd. 12 Profle: Christine Healy Managing a team maintaining an open dialogue. By Cathy Cummings conducting high-stakes negotiations with SENIOR ExEcutIvE PublIShER FINaNcIal SERvIcES GROuP giant oil companies, Christine says the key Garth thomas to success is trusting yourself and your 16 leadership effective leaders empower their staff, and enjoying the process. staff to engage them and achieve better healthcare & FInancIal serVIces group By Michael Dempster results. By Hugh Arnold PublIShER Stefanie MacDonald: 38 spotlight on… excellence in collaboration: 43 international arbitration the recently the Muskrat Falls project is a shining released free guide, Effective Management PRODuctION MaNaGER Karen Richards: example of how several parties worked in Arbitration, provides in-house counsel with together to achieve Canada’s single largest a toolkit to resolve disputes in a time- and Subscription enquiries should be addressed to/ infrastructure fnancing in history. cost-effective manner. Pour les questions concernant l’abonnement, veuillez communiquer avec : By Bev Cline audience Development — ccca/accJE 50 inside edge the new in-house Counsel One Mount Pleasant Road, 7th Floor 44 CCCa News CBa legal Conference wrap Worldwide network unites the in-house toronto, ON M4Y 2Y5 up, CCCa national Conference next april legal community for the beneft of all. Our environmental policy is available at: and CiC.C executives in residence. By Geoffrey D. Creighton environmental_policy.shtml legal update vous pouvez consulter notre politique de l’environnement à : propos_nous/politique_environnement.shtml 49 Casl at Work an update on the implementation of Casl and how to this magazine is printed with vegetable inks prepare for a potential investigation. and is 100% recyclable where facilities exist. Recyclable là où le service est offert. By Kirsten Thompson Canadian Corporate Counsel assoCiation | 3
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