Page 10 - CCCA Magazine Summer 2015
P. 10
{ ProFiLe }
canada’s Legal team
By Michael Dempster
William F. Pentney and his team are stewards of an institution
that can touch the lives of more than 35 million Canadians.
Some days, he says, he has to remind himself of that.
n the “hurly-burly” of 7 a.m. emails, Pentney’s team was involved in several
front page headlines, unexpected crises lightning-rod issues: Bill C-51, the proposed
iand the day-to-day issues of a large bu- Anti-terrorism Act; Carter v. Canada (At-
reaucracy, we have to remember the role torney General), the Supreme Court’s deci-
we play, says Canada’s Deputy Minister sion to overturn the ban on doctor-assisted
of Justice and Deputy Attorney General. suicide; new Veterans Affairs programs and
“One of my messages to the department is litigation; and the right of women to wear
that the joy, privilege and burden of work- the niqab during citizenship swearing-in
ing in DOJ is that you’re involved in giv- ceremonies. And these were just a few issues
ing advice on issues that are shaping the we were dealing with, he says.
kind of Canada in which your children “We’re not the decision maker but
will grow up.” we have a privileged position in getting
It’s a responsibility Pentney treasures. access to those issues and being able to
And although being Deputy Minister play whatever role we can. So there is this
comes with accountability and pressure ‘pinch yourself’ moment when you are in
“that can eat you up if you let it,” his legal the middle of working on a truly fascinat-
training and years of public service expe- ing issue with amazing professionals—
rience give him the perspective and level some of the best in the country—and you
of comfort needed to meet the role he ac- sit back and say, ‘This is actually some-
cepted in November 2012. thing that’s important for the country.’”
His priorities are three-fold: advise and As Justice Department manager, Pent-
support the Minister of Justice-Attorney ney focuses on strategic leadership, nur-
General and the Prime Minister in Cabinet; turing and supporting a strong team.
provide legal advice and litigation support, Sometimes, he says, his best decision is to
with Associate Deputy Minister Pierre get out of the way and allow great people
Legault, to all other departmental deputy to do their job. The department manages
ministers; and manage the country’s larg- about 50,000 pieces of litigation, big and
est, most complex legal organization, with small, at any time and is involved in about
about 2,200 in-house lawyers. 30% of all cases that go before the Su-
There’s neither a dull nor a typical day. preme Court of Canada, as either a party
During two weeks in March, for example, or an intervenor.
10 CCCA MAGAzinE | SuMMEr 2015 été