Page 8 - CCCA Magazine Summer 2015
P. 8
{ DiverSity }
riSkS Worth tAking:
CAreer leSSonS From the top
By Kirby Chown and Carrie Mandel
the importance of risk taking is something that came up attitude, team player qualities, and experi-
frequently in our interviews with Canada’s top women GC for ence in operations and with government.
Jennifer gave the impression of “having
the book, Breaking Through: Tales from the Top Canadian no fear” and negotiating effectively for the
Women General Counsel. kind of work she wanted to do.
For her part, Jennifer felt a move from
government to a startup was a risk, but
isk taking is a factor that distinguishes Although she had never worked in the en- she was ready for a change. She leveraged
those who are able to rise to senior po- ergy sector, she anticipated that renewable her broad experience from both private
rsitions,” stated Barbara Munro, GC of energy storage was the way of the future practice and Infrastructure Ontario, and
WestJet Airlines. “Whether it means step- and started her own company: NRStor, a while she was initially concerned about
ping out of your skill set or evaluating the Toronto-based venture focused on the de- her lack of knowledge about the renew-
fnancial risk in a deal… not being a risk velopment and construction of industry- able energy sector, Annette reassured her
taker is an impediment to advancement.” leading energy storage technologies. it was not an impediment.
Now, in 2015, as we follow up with After initially relying on outside coun- Initially, Jennifer emphasized her skills
more talented women, we fnd some are sel to service NRstor’s legal work, Annette and talents. Only in a later interview did
early in their careers, considering their hired the frst GC of the company, Jenni- she take a risk by raising her time limita-
future, while others are more senior, pon- fer Manning, in 2014. Jennifer started her tions due to family responsibilities (three
dering their legacy. What they all share is legal career at Torys as a corporate associ- children under fve and a busy litigator
the confdence to take calculated risks. ate for fve years, and then moved to In- spouse) and community commitments.
Jennifer Manning stood out from the frastructure Ontario as in-house counsel. To her delight, Annette respected her di-
crowd, becoming the frst GC of NRStor Like Annette, Jennifer had no prior expe- rectness and outside commitments. As
Inc., a start-up in the energy storage busi- rience in renewable energy storage. Annette said, “I look for three great hours
ness co-founded by Annette Verschuren, of work from people, not eight rambling
a well-known fgure in the Canadian cor- own your Career Advancement hours that just fll the day.”
porate landscape. While Annette and Jen- Annette has always been aggressive in dem- Annette herself has always made time
nifer may be a few decades apart in age, onstrating her talent and asking for op- for family and individual interests, such as
they share the philosophy of what makes portunities beyond what was on offer. Her travel and community work, and welcomes
an effective leader. A joint interview with constant goal is to manage both people and this balance in her executive team’s lives.
the two provided some valuable insights assets. “Don’t get pigeonholed into one area
into the impact of risk taking on career such as fnance,” she advises. “Make sure you Find your Support
decisions and progression. are involved across all aspects of a business.” As noted, Jennifer has signifcant personal
She places little value on technical and community commitments. Before in-
Backgrounds knowledge of a sector as a key attribute terviewing with Annette, Jennifer discussed
Annette is a risk taker. She blazed a path for success. Instead, she urges individuals the potential career move with family and
upwards in the Canadian corporate world, to gain broad experience, be good people friends. She realized that accepting the GC
moving across industries, always seeking managers and continually learn about position would mean certain things would
roles with greater responsibilities. Presi- their industry. Technical knowledge alone have to change in her personal life. How-
dent of Michaels Canada from 1992 un- is simply not enough—people skills are ever, her husband was supportive and quite
til 1996, she then moved to Home Depot just as important. prepared to assume a more equal share of
Canada as President from 1996 to 2011, In hiring a GC for NRstor, Annette household management and childcare re-
adding the role of President of Home De- welcomed someone looking for a “fresh sponsibilities. Both agreed this position
pot Asia in 2006. She left Home Depot in start,” rather than a technical expert in the was a unique opportunity for Jennifer, and
2011 and travelled for a year with her hus- feld of renewable energy. She chose Jen- they needed to work together so she could
band, but she missed the corporate world. nifer because of her intelligence, can-do take advantage of it.
8 CCCA MAGAzinE | SuMMEr 2015 été