Page 45 - CCCA 239285 Magazine_Fall 2015
P. 45
{ LegaL innovation }
A rEvoLuTIonAry now
nEw wAy To brIng Canada!
legal support
InTo your ComPAny.
now everyone can have in-house counsel!
The problem:
many companies don’t have enough demand
to justify a full-time staff lawyer. They either
negotiate their contracts themselves or send it
to their outside frm.
alties (and manage risk accordingly)? Save money and risk missing something
Or does it allocate risk on the basis of important?
the previous limited “name and shame”
powers or the Commissioner? If it’s the The brighT idea:
latter, management should consider per- why can’t we bring the same support to these
forming a risk review. companies that we do for their larger cousins?
we already have excellent lawyers working for
Confdentiality Canada’s largest companies on a dedicated basis
as extensions of their in-house teams. why not
Under the previous regime, the Privacy open them up to work in smaller bites as an
Commissioner was (with few exceptions) in-house lawyer would, for everyone else?
required to keep information that was pro-
vided to it confdential. The new Act pro- The shared economy comes to law!
vides the Commissioner with the right to
make public any information that comes to The reSulT:
his or her knowledge, including that pro- Simplex Shared Services!* Pick the level of legal support
vided in a breach notifcation. you need monthly and we set up the rest. you get
Organizations dealing with the Com- virtual-in-house legal support scaled to your business
missioner will now have to ensure their needs. Have a quick question? Call us—you get unlimited
trade secrets and confdential informa- phone consultations! Don’t use all that month’s hours?
no worries, they carry over for use in the future.
tion are adequately protected (potentially
through sealing orders or similar mecha- Subscriptions starting at $1,399 per month!
nisms), and are not in violation of their
agreements with third parties or requests Simplex Legal has a team of best in class commercial lawyers. They
made by law enforcement by providing will work with your company to vet and negotiate the commercial
information to the Commissioner. agreements (Contracts, CA’s, Procurement, Employment, IT/IP,
Questions to ask yourself: Have you Licensing) that you need done right and turned fast. Don’t take
identifed key information assets? Do you chances anymore; get the same support the blue chips get on terms
know what vendor agreements might have that make sense for you!
notifcation or non-disclosure require-
ments? If not, now is a great time to start. ❚
Kirsten Thompson is the Co-
Lead of McCarthy Tétrault’s
National Cybersecurity, Privacy
and Data Protection Group. She
is based in Toronto. She pro-
vides privacy, data security and
information governance advice
to clients in a wide variety of *Simplex Shared Services is offered by Simplex Legal Services. The $1,399 monthly rate quoted gives
industries as well as acting for you six hours of virtual legal services plus unlimited “water cooler” discussions over the phone. Certain
clients on regulatory enforce- conditions apply to all of our subscription plans. Certain areas of law don’t ft well in this model so are not
ment and litigation matters. attempted (for ex: litigation, tax, family or criminal law). In some cases, we may be limited in our ability
to represent you due to conficts of interest or jurisdictional issues. If we can’t help, we will assist you in
fnding solutions to your legal needs elsewhere. Contact us to get the full details.
CanadIan CORPORaTe COunSeL aSSOCIaTIOn | CCCa-aCCje.ORG 45