Page 46 - CCCA 239285 Magazine_Fall 2015
P. 46
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eVerYthing i needed to know to BeCome
An eFFeCtiVe in-house Counsel i leArned
From Being A pArent
By Erin Zipes
When I returned to work after my maternity leave, people asked Similarly, I ask a lot of questions to en-
me how I’d enjoyed my year off. I laughed, since working as a sure I truly understand a situation and what
my clients are asking me to do or decide. Too
lawyer was infnitely easier than looking after newborn twins. often if I answer an initial question without
digging more, I miss the bigger issue or oth-
er issues that are just as important. I can’t
oing both at the same time, however, when I adjust to them. I try to work with properly serve my clients if I don’t under-
was going to be challenging. Surpris- my clients on their terms whenever pos- stand what the issues actually are.
dingly, I have realized many of my new sible—be it email, phone, instant mes-
skills and experiences gained as a parent saging, scheduled meeting or impromptu remember your role
are extremely valuable to me at work. pop-in. I tweak the way I practice to suit As a new parent your instinct is to do ev-
the relationship dynamic, for example, by erything for your children, but you quickly
embrace interruptions adjusting the types of explanations I give realize they don’t learn anything that way.
Parents and in-house counsel face the and the amount of my involvement in an I also realized that sometimes my kids
same challenge of starting each day with issue or with external stakeholders. have a different approach that works just
the best of intentions and a long to-do list, I can’t do my job properly unless my as well, if not better, than mine.
only to reach the end of that day realizing clients trust me and my advice, so I nur- Oftentimes my role is to help my cli-
they haven’t even gotten to the frst item. ture these relationships. I don’t take it per- ents understand something or come up
While projects are important, my in- sonally when people approach me with with a process that they can then use go-
house clients are more so, and they will resistance or hesitation, and I try to make ing forward on their own, without my in-
suffer if I do not make time for them. If sure every interaction leaves my client volvement, such as an FAQ or a template
they know I will always try to make time glad to have sought my counsel and sat- agreement. When I understand my clients’
for them, they will seek out counsel when isfed that I added value to their process. ultimate goals, and they understand my
they need it, avoiding potential legal prob- concerns and constraints, we can usu-
lems down the road. It also means they timing is everything ally reach a solution that is much better
usually understand when I have more Every parent knows you can’t bring a than what I could have come up with on
pressing matters to deal with or when I hungry or overtired child into a diffcult my own. By valuing the different point of
need to push our original timelines back. situation and expect to get through it view that my clients bring to the table, I not
Given these interruptions, I am also without any tears. only gain their trust and respect, but I also
constantly triaging my work, managing As a new lawyer, it didn’t occur to me achieve better results for our organization.
the infow of work to ensure the most im- that not every issue had to get settled at the Though each role comes with a unique
portant issues and time-sensitive projects frst opportunity. Now, I try to get through set of challenges and rewards, being a par-
get done frst while keeping service stan- as much as possible when everyone is en- ent makes me a better lawyer, and being a
dards high. It is a delicate equilibrium that ergized and engaged, and, where possible, I lawyer makes me a better parent. ❚
I don’t always get right, but every day I do don’t try to force resolution when, for what-
my best to strike the right balance. ever reason, progress is just not being made.
Erin Zipes is Assistant GC at
Adjust your style don’t make assumptions Shopify, a cloud-based commerce
platform designed for small- and
Before I had kids, I had grand visions of Dealing with spirited toddlers has taught medium-sized businesses. Prior
the kind of parent I was going to be. But me to not assume people know why I am to joining Shopify in 2014, she
then I had twins, and I had to become the asking them to do certain things even if was Associate GC at Nordion, a
parent they needed, not just the parent I’d it seems obvious to me. I am careful to global health science company,
wanted to be. explain my decisions so my clients can for three years. Prior to moving in-house, Erin prac-
The same is true of my clients. They understand why I am recommending a ticed at two national frms for six years. She is also
are all different, and I am most effective certain course of action and get onside. the proud mom of Audrey and Griffn.
46 CCCa MaGazIne | FaLL 2015 auTOMne