Page 9 - CCCA 239285 Magazine_Fall 2015
P. 9

{ Diversity }

As a result, she learned that her skill see opportunities for advancement both the Balance
set was broader than she had thought and within the legal stream and outside of it.” Kristine is grateful for the support her
that she could successfully carry out proj- Don’t be in a rush. husband has provided, assuming the role
ects in many different areas. This built up of primary caregiver to their two children.
not only her confdence but also her com- Kristine spent 20 years honing her skills As he was the one with a more fexible
and knowledge at TransCanada before
pany’s confdence in her, and she was fre- schedule, his support on the home front
quently invited to take on new roles and being offered the top legal job. While has allowed her to actively pursue her ca-
her journey to GC took longer than she
gain new knowledge within the company. reer ambitions while raising a family.
had initially hoped, in retrospect, she felt
Understand the whole business. the time was well spent, as she was more She also values her friends both in and
The other advantage of seeking out di- knowledgeable, experienced and better outside the workplace. They help give her
verse opportunities within the compa- prepared to take on the role. In that time, a sense of balance and can provide a sense
ny was that Kristine learned about the she was also able to gain the confdence of of perspective when dealing with issues at
whole business of TransCanada, not just her colleagues, both within and outside of work or home.
the legal issues. It is important to under- the legal group. the Future
stand a company’s strategy and its chal- According to Kristine, “A career path is
lenges. “A lawyer who has both business seldom a quick one or without detours, so Kristine would identity a successful career
and fnancial acumen is more likely to you have to have perspective when things as one that continually provides opportu-
don’t go quite the way you want them to nities for growth, and she is satisfed with
and be patient.” At the same time, how- her progress thus far. As GC, she performs
ever, do not be held back from taking risks her job with integrity and collaboration,
and she sees challenges that will keep her
by fear or anxiety.
“ A career path is seldom plish before she retires. Ultimately, she
engaged and productive at TransCanada
for many years to come.
There is a lot she would like to accom-
says, “I would like to be remembered as a
key contributor to the growth and success
a quick one or without
of this company over my tenure.” ❚
detours, so you have to

have perspective and Kirby Chown is the former Ontario Regional Manag-
ing Partner for McCarthy Tétrault. Carrie Mandel
is a lawyer and consultant at Spencer Stuart, and
be patient. part of the North American Legal, Compliance &
Regulatory Practice, which she leads in Canada.

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