Page 16 - CCCA 243725 Magazine_Winter 2015
P. 16
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The Crossroads
of Law
By Jim Middlemiss
When Mirko Bibic left private practice to join Bell Canada Enterprises (BCE)
as a regulatory lawyer, little did he know that one day he would be playing
a key role in the government and public relations efforts of his company.
During his 10-year rise to Chief Legal and regulatory Offcer, and Executive
Vice-President of Corporate Development, Bibic acted as spokesperson at
times, and became the corporation’s public face at the Canadian radio-
television Commission (CrtC), BCE’s primary regulator. As part of the deal-
making team, he would often be dragged into media and investor relations
issues. now, his responsibilities include both legal and government affairs.
16 CCCA MAgAzInE | WIntEr 2015 HIVEr