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ccca In thIs Issue…

WInter 2015 hIver | vol 9, n . 4

is published quarterly by

16 The Crossroads of Law and Public Relations
in the past decade, there has been a growing shift of power, as the offce of gC plays a
canadIan corporate counsel assocIatIon more important role in a corporation’s public face. like a railway crossing sign, law and
l’assocIatIon canadIenne des public relations are converging under a single banner with the ultimate goal of protecting
conseIllers(Ères) JurIdIQues d’entreprIses
the brand and reputation of a corporation. By Jim Middlemiss
1210 – 20 Toronto Street
Toronto, ON M5C 2B8
Tel: 416-869-0522 24 In-House Whistleblowing: Where Do Your Loyalties Lie?
does our system of rules relating to whistleblowing by in-house counsel fail to balance clients’
CCCA ChAIr / PrÉSIDENT DE L’ACCJE right to confdentiality with public protection from economic harm? our profession takes
Frédéric Pérodeau:
economic crimes seriously. lawyers facing such situations need more support and guidance.
MANAgINg EDITOr / rÉDACTrICE EN ChEF By Julie Sobowale
Lynne Yryku:
Karen Sadler: 30 Stepping Stone par Excellence!
ADVErTISINg / PUBLICITÉ jennifer Warren moved from a gC role to Managing director of the u.s. region of CiBC.
Brian Trotter: she sought out opportunities and thrived on challenge as she moved up the ranks to a senior
DESIgN / CONCEPTION ArTISTIQUE operating role. she shares her strategies for success both within and beyond the legal feld.
hume Media Inc. By Kirby Chown and Carrie Mandel
Leila gosselin (Chair/Présidente)
Olumide Adetunji
Marianne Bolhuis
graeme Deuchars columns departments
Vera Dokter
Sébastien guénette 4 From the Editor together, we can create a 6 Risk Management learn best practices for
Wendy King more inclusive workplace, where everyone record retention and e-discovery in today’s
Laurie MacFarlane has the opportunity to shine. litigation environment. By Lynne Yryku
Sarah McKinnon
Michael rothe
ISSN No. 1913-0562 5 From the Chair as we prepare to celebrate 12 Practice Management a company’s
Publications Mail Agreement No. 42929530 the centennial of Manitoba Women’s right most important assets are its brands.
return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: to Vote, we look at how our community Be prepared for the upcoming changes
Canadian Corporate Counsel Association helps promote equality. to Canada’s trademark laws.
1210 – 20 Toronto Street
Toronto, ON M5C 2B8 By Mark Evans and Keltie Sim Luft
8 Profle: Glenda Cole, QC, and Janice
All rights reserved. Contents may not be reprinted Odegaard the 2016 Conference Co-Chairs 44 Legal Innovation non-compliance with
without permission. The opinions expressed in articles
are not necessarily those of the publisher. Information share their love of the law and community. employment statutes can have serious
presented is not legal advice and should not be relied By Michael Dempster consequences. in-house counsel can
upon as a substitute for review of your specifc situation help keep their organizations on track.
with legal counsel. Every effort has been made to
provide accurate information; however, the publisher By Tim Lawson
assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. 36 Spotlight On… Unconscious Bias:
A Primer for Lawyers recognize your
Tous droits réservés. Le contenu du magazine ne
peut pas être reproduit sans autorisation. Les unconscious biases to create a more 46 Inside Edge use technology to become
opinions exprimées dans les articles ne sont pas inclusive and diverse workplace. more effcient and improve your working
nécessairement partagées par l’éditeur. Le contenu By Karen Sadler relationships. By Mark Johnson
du magazine ne constitue pas un avis juridique et
vous ne devriez pas vous en servir pour évaluer votre
situation particulière. Nous avons tout mis en œuvre
afn de fournir des renseignements exacts. Cependant, 40 CCCA News Women in the boardroom, the
l’éditeur n’assume aucune responsabilité en cas 2016 national Conference, the Mentoring
d’erreurs ou d’omissions.
program and a new job board.

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