Page 3 - CCCA 247020 Magazine Spring 2016
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CCCA in this issue…

spring 2016 printemps | Vol 10, n . 1

is published quarterly by

16 building better rosters: 7 Things In-House Counsel need to Know
about the rfP Processs
CAnAdiAn CorporAte Counsel AssoCiAtion When TElUS wanted to reduce its external counsel spend, it used the RFP process to
l’AssoCiAtion CAnAdienne des
Conseillers(Ères) JuridiQues d’entreprises trim its roster of frms and cut costs. More and more in-house departments are doing the
same to streamline legal spend. learn what works and what doesn’t. By Jim Middlemiss
1210 – 20 Toronto Street
Toronto, ON M5C 2B8
Tel: 416-869-0522
Email: 22 Crisis 101: surviving and succeeding
Crisis management is a critical organizational function. In-house counsel play a pivotal role,
Frédéric Pérodeau: proactively responding to issues, managing stakeholders and communicating to help move
the organization forward. learn how to use your leadership and management skills to guide
MANAgINg EDITOr / rÉDACTrICE EN ChEF your legal team and organization through a challenging time. By Julie Sobowale
Lynne Yryku:
Karen Sadler:
28 Wanted: lawyers with business acumen
ADVErTISINg / PUBLICITÉ Whether choosing a litigation strategy or assessing the legal risks of a business decision,
Brian Trotter:
in-house counsel are frequently expected to make sound fnancial decisions. How can you
DESIgN / CONCEPTION ArTISTIQUE increase your business savvy so you can be more effective in your role?
hume Media Inc. By Jennifer Lewington
Olumide Adetunji
Marianne Bolhuis
graeme Deuchars Columns depArtments
Vera Dokter
Sébastien guénette 4 from the editor Being in-house counsel 6 Human resources Building a strong legal
Wendy King requires excellent organizational and team starts with fnding the right people.
Laurie MacFarlane legal triage skills—and a commitment to learn how you can make your hiring
Sarah McKinnon continuous development. process work better for you.
Michael rothe
By Lynne Yryku
ISSN No. 1913-0562
Publications Mail Agreement No. 42929530 5 from the Chair There is a lot of discussion
return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: going on about the sound administration 12 Practice Management Whether here
Canadian Corporate Counsel Association
1210 – 20 Toronto Street of justice in Canada. Make sure your voice or abroad, in-house counsel deal with
Toronto, ON M5C 2B8 is heard. the same management challenges.
Take action now with a fve-step process.
By Richard Stock
8 Profle: naveen Mehta He is General
All rights reserved. Contents may not be reprinted
without permission. The opinions expressed in articles Counsel to one of Canada’s largest private
are not necessarily those of the publisher. Information sector unions, and he guides national 34 strategic Management In-house counsel
presented is not legal advice and should not be relied strategies on diversity and inclusion. must juggle anything law-related that
upon as a substitute for review of your specifc situation
with legal counsel. Every effort has been made to In his spare time? He is learning how to comes their way. How can you create
provide accurate information; however, the publisher play hockey and speak Spanish. order when you are a department of one?
assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. By Michael Dempster By Catherine Chow
Tous droits réservés. Le contenu du magazine ne
peut pas être reproduit sans autorisation. Les
opinions exprimées dans les articles ne sont pas 38 spotlight on… Career Coaching 44 legal Innovation Get practical advice to
nécessairement partagées par l’éditeur. Le contenu
du magazine ne constitue pas un avis juridique et looking for a change? Coaching can help help you hire the best external counsel
vous ne devriez pas vous en servir pour évaluer votre establish goals and defne the “how” of to meet your needs. By Judith McKay
situation particulière. Nous avons tout mis en œuvre advancement to be at your most effective.
afn de fournir des renseignements exacts. Cependant,
l’éditeur n’assume aucune responsabilité en cas By Karen Sadler
d’erreurs ou d’omissions. 46 Inside edge learn what is it like to be
General Counsel in the new sector of
42 CCCa news Entity Regulation, the 2016 medical marijuana production.
national Conference and the Business By Mark Zekulin
leadership Program for In-House Counsel.

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