Page 10 - CCCA Magazine Fall 2018
P. 10
leArning to leAd
By Karlee Blatz
I’ve been in my leadership role for a grand total of two years, it increasingly critical, so I am constantly
so my transition was relatively recent. I vividly remember striving to improve.
There is also one experience I had not
my interview for the position: I had a grand total of one idea considered when I became a director.
on how I would challenge the status quo—because the I thought everyone would treat me the
same. After all, nothing had changed at
status quo was really good. I also recall having no real idea that moment, at least not in my mind. Of
about how I would lead a team, what that might look like. course, that is not true. While I have very
strong, positive relationships with my
Thankfully, I was given a chance nonetheless. team, they treat me as their boss—which I
guess is ftting because I am.
I have learned how important it is to
t has been said that the qualities that participate in projects that will foster de- fnd others in similar leadership positions
lead to a high-performing individual velopment when I could have easily done to connect with, learn from, seek advice
ido not necessarily lead to a highly ef- them myself. from and be able to debrief with after a
fective manager. While I will not assume This is even more critical when leading particularly diffcult day or week because
I am a highly effective manager (yet), I a team of lawyers. We are generally highly I can’t really do that with the people I lead,
know I care a lot about my team and have effective and highly motivated profes- or at least not to the same extent. Looking
a strong desire to reach that point. But sionals. So not only is it not a great idea to outside of my organization (like through
it is not easy, especially for lawyers. The micromanage lawyers but there is also no the CCCA) has provided great opportuni-
things that make us really excel as part of value added with this approach. ties for these connections.
the team can be the biggest impediments Another learning that has been key in Ultimately, I’m hopeful the new skills I
when we become the leader. my transition has been developing diplo- am developing and the new relationships
I had to learn very quickly to stop do- macy. Diplomacy does not come naturally I am building with others in a similar
ing some of the things I have always done. to me, but it is necessary in my organiza- boat will hold me in good stead as I move
For instance, I like control. In fact, when I tion (and I think in every organization through my career. ❚
went through a management assessment to some degree). It is the key to manag-
to help identify my strengths, weaknesses ing both up and across the various levels.
Karlee Blatz is Regional Director of Labour
and suitability for the role, someone close Watching and learning from other leaders
Relations and Senior Legal Counsel for Human
to me said that my management style was in my organization has been extremely Resources at the Winnipeg Regional Health Author-
likely that of a dictator! valuable in this regard. And while some- ity. She is always open to connecting with other
Managing fles with precision and times it is very diffcult to be the diplomat, leaders, current and future. She can be reached at
attention to detail are things that had our changing workplace dynamics make
helped me greatly in my career to that
point—but as the leader of the team, not
so much. So one of the biggest changes for We are generally highly efective and highly
me, on a daily basis, has been doing less “
detail work and allowing the other law- motivated professionals. So not only is it not a
yers to do more, to fnd their voices and to great idea to micromanage lawyers but there
is also no value added with this approach.
10 CCCA MAgAzIne | FAll 2018 AuTOMne