Page 12 - CCCA Magazine Fall 2018
P. 12

{ ProfiLE }


A to WAtCh

By Lynne Yryku

“ t is one of the best areas for lawyers to A large part of his role involves “judg-
work in,” says Addison Cameron-Huff ing where things are headed and pre-
iin his clear, measured tone when asked paring the company to deal with them,
about working in an environment where which in this space is a bigger issue than
the rules are still being formed. “There's in most.” He explains, “[The people in
an interesting moment and challenge ev- government] want to do a good job and
ery single day.” they look to industry to know what ‘do-
As President of Decentral Inc., ing a good job’ means. So my role gets to
Cameron-Huff is the epitome of agile impact the legislation and regulations in
and adaptable. In this new and emerg- Canada primarily but in the United States
ing world of cryptocurrencies and block- a little bit, which is very unique for such a
chain, he is one of the select people help- small company.”
ing to shape the legal landscape—without Founded and led by CEO Anthony
textbooks or case law to rely on. Di Iorio, Decentral boasts the Ethereum

12 CCCA MAgAzIne | FAll 2018 AuTOMne
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